Information for general use
Rev. M / 73023639
GasLab Q2
Maintenance, cleaning and repair
To ensure long-term use, regular weekly
automatic operational calibration
is necessary. This is
usually triggered by the parameterization. An annual service calibration with maintenance is also
required. Cleaning and, if necessary, Honeywell service or repair work are the results of this
Honeywell recommends that the completed service calibrations,
maintenance work and general operations are documented.
Maintenance consists of an inspection of the entire system and preventive checks. The regular
maintenance interval is 1 year. This monitoring work may be carried out more often to identify
discrepancies at an early stage. Check the possible ranges of consumables and look out for signs
of unusual damage which may have occurred since the installation and start-up work using the
actions set out in the following sections.
The regulations for explosion protection (for example IEC/EN 60079-14) must be followed
to the letter. In addition, the operator must check the function of all safety devices
regularly, even outside the maintenance interval if necessary.
Les réglementations en matière de protection contre les explosions (par exemple, selon la
norme CEI EN 60079-14) doivent être impérativement respectées.
En outre, l’exploitant
doit vérifier régulièrement le bon fonctionnement de tous les dispositifs de sécurité et ce,
même en dehors de l’intervalle d’entretien le cas échéant.
Maintenance and maintenance intervals at a glance
Not all maintenance work, for example replacing the battery, can be carried out by the
user. The following overview lists all the possible maintenance work and intervals. Arrange
a service appointment if necessary.
les travaux d’entretien ne peuvent pas être effectués par l’utilisateur, par ex.
remplacement de la batterie. L’aperçu suivant récapitule tous les travaux et intervalles
d’entretien possibles. Convenez d’un rendez
-vous de service si nécessaire.
Visual inspection 1 month after start-up,
complete the form
Close inspection(s) every 12 months (use the report form)
Completing a service calibration