Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet (UV) Digital Electro-Optical Fire Detector
Installation Guide and Operating Manual
MAN0927_V3_1510-005_Rev H_06-13
2.2.5 Wiring the SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Detector for 4 or 20 mA Current Mode Operation (Optional)
For applications requiring a 4-20 mA analog output, order the Detector with the Optional 4-20 mA
Module Assembly, P/N MA420-4. The module must be Factory installed and certified along with
the Detector.
The following analog output levels are available from the Detector equipped with the MA420-4
Module. The module is capable of driving a maximum load impedance of 283 Ohms:
NORMAL Operation
4 +/- 0.6 mA
20 +/- 0.6 mA
< 0.6 mA
To use the analog output of an SS4-AUV/-AUV2, make the following connections:
24 V DC
J2, pin-4
J2, pin-1
4-20 mA output
J5, pin-4 (+)
4-20 mA RTN
J1, pin-1 (-)
The fire Alarm and fault relays of the Detector equipped with the MA420-4 Module are not usable.
However the Detector’s Verify Relay may still be used as a separate Fire Alarm output. Refer to
Table 2: “Configuration DIP Switch Settings” to set DIP switches properly.
NOTE: J1 is a "loop through" connection to J2. The +24 V supply is connected to J2 pin 4. The
red lead connection of the MA420-4 must stay in J1, pin-4. Also, the 8.66 K Ohm
supervising resistor must remain connected at the Fire Alarm relay contacts J4 pin-4 to J4
pin-1, or a Fault condition will occur.
Figure 3: SS4 Detector Module with MA420-4 Installed
(Rear View)