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Article 742 requirements of EN ISO 14644-1: ISO Class 5, GMP A/B.

This glove meets the following requirements of EN 455:

EN 455-1 : 2001-01; 


EN 455-2 : 2011-2-05;  completely

EN 455-3 : 2007-03, 

5.3 proteins extractable

EN 455-4 : 2009-10; 

5.2 Accelerated determination of shelf-life

The glove is not a medical device within the meaning of Directive 93/42/EEC.




EN 388


Dermatril® 740 

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11



Dermatril® L 741

7, 8, 9, 10, 11



Dermatril® LR 742

7, 8, 9, 10, 11


The CE marking on this glove means that it meets the essential requirements for 

in the European Directive EEC 89/686 concerning Individual Protection 

Equipment (IPE): Harmlessness-Comfort-Dexterity-Sturdiness. Protective Gloves 

conform to the EN 420. Approved to EN 374 according to Article 10 of Directive 

89/686/EEC: IFA, Alte Heerstraße 111, D-53757 St. Augustin, Identification 

number: 0121

EN 374, Waterproof gloves and little protection against chemical hazards

EN 374-3 was rated positively and certified by notified body. When used with chemicals the protective glove should be checked for adequate permeation.

Surveillance after 11 B of Directive 89/686/EEC, chemical risks according to 

EN 374: same location as type test. The identification number for testing and 

certification centre 0121 for EC type testing and monitoring of quality assurance 

measures relates solely to the content of EN 374-1: 2003 and the PPE Directive 



Information brochure to Section 1.4 of Annex II to Directive 89/686/EEC for personal protective equipment in Category III

Gloves conform to Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004.  

Approved for short-term, direct contact with all food types.

EN 388, Mechanical risks

1st digit Abrasion resistance 

(min. 0; max. 4)

2nd digit Cut resistance 

(min. 0; max. 5)

3rd digit Tear strength resistance 

(min. 0; max. 4) 

 4th digit Puncture resistance  

(min. 0; max. 4) 

X = Cannot be tested


Resistance to the chemicals listed was determined under laboratory 

conditions and may be adversely affected by changes to physical 

properties such as temperature, abrasion, stretching, etc. 
When using highly corrosive chemicals, degradation is the most 

important factor in the choice of protective gloves. 
These protective gloves provide no protection against extreme cold 

(<- 5 °C), heat (> 50 °C), electricity.
Do not use in the vicinity of moving machine parts. Risk of being 

drawn into the machine.
Unusable when the gloves are cracked, porous and stiff.

Allergy Notice:

 The Gloves may contain traces of dithiocarbamates.


 The protective gloves you wear must be of the correct size. Note 

that using undergloves may result in some usage restrictions. Check 

the protective gloves for damage before you use them. Prevent the 

penetration of pollutants over the edge of the glove. Prevent 

carryover of contaminants located on the glove and the cross-

contamination when removing gloves. 


 The specified gloves are not washable. Do not 

use any chemicals or sharp implements when cleaning 

(wire brushes, sandpaper, etc.). Dirt brush off.

Expiry date:

 With proper storage, no reduction in performance 

levels within 36 months. 

Storage /Transport:

 Flat, dry, dark, with no additional weight load 

in its original packaging, at a temperature of 5 °C - 25 °C. Protect from 

sunlight and ozone. 


 If not contaminated with chemicals, gloves can be 

disposed of in the household waste. If the gloves have been exposed 

to chemicals, follow the disposal instructions of the manufacturer of 

the chemicals.

For further information please contact.



Penetration time in min.

Protection index

740 / 741 / 742

Sodium hydroxide 40 %

> 480


EN 374, Protection against bacteriological contamination

KCL chemical protective gloves have been 


-tested to the highest performance level (3) set out in EN 374-2.  

This quality limit equates to an AQL < 0.65.

Содержание 741

Страница 1: ...MBER 741 With 741 Dermatril L KCL succeeded in developing a disposable chemical resistant protective glove in accordance with EN374 Besides the high protection against chemical and bacteriological contamination the Dermatril also displays very good mechanical durability in comparison to conventional disposable gloves 741 Dermatril L with a length of 28 cm is a longer version of 740 Dermatril In ad...

Страница 2: ... improved grip good chemical resistance snug fit Features Benefits Description Single use powder free nitrile glove Rolled edge Roughened fingertips Long cuff Product Technology Dipped Glove liner color Blue Length 270 280 Thickness 0 11 Harmlessness In conformity with European standards Sizes 7 8 9 10 11 Technical Description E C Declaration of Conformity EC Category PPE 3 EC Certificate Number 9...

Страница 3: ...ual Product user instruction Storage Information On the user instruction Care Instructions On the user instruction Maintenance Honeywell International Inc Dermatril L 741 Page 3 Of 3 Honeywell International Inc ...

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Страница 6: ...n Council Directive 89 686 CEE Designation Dermatril L 741 Reference 741 Standard s EN 374 EN 455 This PPE is the object of the below EC examination certificate n 981069 Delivered by BIA IFA Alte Heerstraße 111 D 53757 SANKT AUGUSTIN Germany Drawn up in Eichenzell on the 08 12 2017 By Martin Trabert Division Gloves Zl Paris Nord II 33 rue des Vanesses BP 50288 95958 Roissy CDG France Tel 33 0 49 9...

Страница 7: ...я брошюра Ευημερωτικό φυλλάδιο Broszura informacyjna Opuscolo Informativo Informacije brošura Tiedotuslehtisen Informationsbroschyr Direktif Informatie brochure Informasjonsbrosjyre Information brochure Brochure d information Informationsbrochure Informationsbroschüre P EST LV PL CZ SK BG RUS GR RO LT SLO D DK E H F GB N NL S TR FIN I HR VIICNIT740 B26 KCL GmbH Industriepark Rhön Am Kreuzacker 9 3...

Страница 8: ...dschuhesind nichtwaschbar ZurReinigungkeineChemikaliensowie scharfkantigeGegenstände Drahtbürsten Schmirgelpapieretc verwenden Verschmutzungenabklopfen Verwendungszeitraum BeisachgerechterLagerungsinddie Schutzhandschuhe36Monateeinsetzbar Lagerung Transport Flach trockendunkel ohnezusätzliche GewichtsbelastunginOriginalverpackung beieinerTemperaturvon 5 C 25 C VorSonnenlichtundOzonquellenschützen ...

Страница 9: ...arstrengthresistance min 0 max 4 4thdigitPunctureresistance min 0 max 4 X Cannotbetested WARNING Resistancetothechemicalslistedwasdeterminedunderlaboratory conditionsandmaybeadverselyaffectedbychangestophysical propertiessuchastemperature abrasion stretching etc Whenusinghighlycorrosivechemicals degradationisthemost importantfactorinthechoiceofprotectivegloves Theseprotectiveglovesprovidenoprotect...

Страница 10: ...produits chimiques éliminezlesgantsaveclesorduresménagères Après contactavecdesproduitschimiques respectezlesinstructions d éliminationpréconiséesparlefabricantdesproduitschimiques Pourplusd informationss ilvousplaîtcontacter Article742exigencesdelanorme ENISO14644 1 classeISO5 GMP A B CegantestconformeauxexigencessuivantesdelanormeEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 complètement EN455 2 2011 05 complètement EN...

Страница 11: ...ttesmotsollysogozonkilder Kassering Hanskersomikkeharværtikontaktmedkjemikalier kankastesmedvanlighusholdningsavfall Overhold kjemikalieprodusentenskasseringsanvisningerhvishanskenehar værtikontaktmedkjemikalier Forytterligereinformasjonvennligstkontakt Article742exigencesdelanormeENISO14644 1 classeISO5 GMP A B DennehanskenoppfyllerfølgendekravtilEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 helt EN455 2 2011 05 helt EN...

Страница 12: ...lysogozonkilder Bortskaffelse Handsker derikkeharværetiberøringmed kemikalier kanbortskaffessammenmedalmindeligt husholdningsaffald Overholdkemikalieproducentens bortskaffelsesanvisninger hvishandskerneharværetikontaktmed kemikalier Foryderligereinformationkontaktvenligst Artikel742kravenei ENISO14644 1 ISOklasse5 GMPA B DennehandskeopfylderfølgendekraviEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 helt EN455 2 2011 05 h...

Страница 13: ...alkuperäispakkauksessa lämpötilassa5 C 25 C Suojattavaauringonvaloltajaotsonilähteiltä Hävittäminen Joskäsineeteivätolesaastuneetkemikaaleista ne voihävittääkotitalousjätteidenmukana Josollutkosketuksessa kemikaalienkanssa onnoudatettavakemikaalivalmistajan hävitysohjeita Jossinullaonkysyttävää otayhteys 742artiklavaatimukset ENISO14644 1 ISO luokan5 GMPA B TämäkäsinetäyttääseuraavatvaatimuksetEN4...

Страница 14: ...zeredeticsomagolásában ahőmérséklet5 C 25 C Napfénytőlés ózonsugárzástólóvnikell Elszállítás Akesztyűvegyianygokkalvalóérintkezésnélküla háztartásiszeméttelegyütteltávolítható Havegyianyagokkal érintkezettakesztyű akkoraztavegyianyagelőállítócégutasítása szerintkelleltávolítani Továbbiinformációértkérjük keresse 742 cikkkövetelményeinek ENISO14644 1 ISOClass5 GMPA B Ezakesztyűmegfelelakövetkezőköv...

Страница 15: ...ackningenvidentemperaturav5 C 25 C Skyddamotsolljusochozonkällor Bortskaffning Utankemikalieföreoreningar kastaborthandsken medhushållssopor Efterkemikaliekontaktskall kemikalietillverkarensbortskaffningsupplysningarbeaktas Förytterligareinformationkontakta Artikel742kraveni ENISO14644 1 ISOklass5 GMPA B DennahandskeuppfyllerföljandekraviEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 helt EN455 2 2011 05 helt EN455 3 2007...

Страница 16: ...aluzsolaryfuentesdeozono Eliminacióndedesechos Losguantessincontaminaciónquímica debeneliminarseconlabasuradoméstica Traselcontactocon productosquímicoshayqueprestaratenciónalasindicacionesde eliminacióndedesechosdelfabricantedelproductoquímico Paramásinformaciónpóngaseencontactocon Artículo742requisitosdelanorma ENISO14644 1 ISOClase5 GMP A B EsteguantecumpleconlossiguientesrequisitosdeEN455 EN45...

Страница 17: ...solareedallefonti diozono Smaltimento Smaltireiguantiprotettiviassiemeairifiuti domestici senzacontaminazionedasostanzechimiche Dopoil contattoconsostanzechimiche osservareleavvertenzeperlo smaltimentodelproduttoreditalisostanze Perulterioriinformazionisipregadicontattare Articolo742requisitidellanorma ENISO14644 1 classeISO5 GMP A B QuestoguantoèconformeaiseguentirequisitidellaEN455 EN455 1 2001 ...

Страница 18: ...hermentegenzonlichtenozonbronnen Afvalverwijdering Zonderbesmettingmetchemicaliënmogende handschoenenmethethuisvuilmeegegevenworden Nacontact metchemicaliëndienendeafvalverwijderingsrichtlijnenvande chemicaliënproducentinachtgenomenteworden Voormeerinformatiekuntucontactopnemenmet Artikel742eisenvanENISO14644 1 ISOKlasse5 GMPA B DezehandschoenvoldoetaandevolgendeeisenvanEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 volle...

Страница 19: ...mavé bezďalšejzáťažv originálnombalení priteplote5 C 25 C Rukavicechráňtepred slnečnýmžiarenímazdrojmiozónu Likvidácia Rukavice ktoréneboliznečistenéchemikáliami je možnézlikvidovaťvrámcidomovéhoodpadu Vprípade žedošloku kontaktuschemikáliami jepotrebnédodržiavaťpokynyvýrobcu chemikálienajejlikvidáciu Preďalšieinformácieprosímkontaktujte Článok742Požiadavkynormy ENISO14644 1 ISOtrieda5 GMPA B Tiet...

Страница 20: ...temperaturiod5 C 25 C Zaštititeodsunčevasvjetlaiizvoraozona Zbrinjavanje Akonekontaminirankemikalijama rukavicemožese odlagatiukućniotpad Akosurukavicesubiliizloženikemikalijama slijediteodlaganjeuputeproizvođačakemikalija Zasvedodatneinformacijemolimokontaktirajte Članak742zahtjevimastandardaENISO14644 1 ISOklasa5 GMPA B OvarukavicaudovoljavasljedećimzahtjevimaEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 potpunosti EN4...

Страница 21: ...s temperatuuril5 C 25 C Kaitstapäikesevalgusejaosooniallikateeest Käitlemine Keemilisereostusetakindadvõibpannaolmeprügi hulka Kemikaalidegakokkupuutunudkindadtulebkäidelda vastavaltkemikaalitootjajuhistele Lisainformatsioonisaamisekspalumepöörduda Artikli742nõuetele ENISO14644 1 ISOKlass5 GMPA B SeekinnasvastabjärgmistelenõueteleEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 täielikult EN455 2 2011 05 täielikult EN455 3 ...

Страница 22: ...iteplotě5 C 25 C Chraňtepředslunečním světlemazdrojiozónu Likvidace Zlikvidujterukavicebezkontaminacechemikáliís domovnímodpadem Pokontaktuschemikáliídbejtepokynůk likvidaciodvýrobcechemikálií Prodalšíinformaceprosímkontaktujte Článek742Požadavkynormy ENISO14644 1 ISOtřída5 GMPA B TytorukavicesplňujenásledujícípožadavkyEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 zcela EN455 2 2011 05 zcela EN455 3 2007 03 5 3proteinyex...

Страница 23: ...cionalemsuaembalagemoriginal aumatemperaturade 5 C 25 C Protegercontraluzsolarefontesdeozono Eliminarcomoresíduo Semcontaminaçãocomquímicos colocar asluvasnolixodoméstico Apósocontactocomquímicos deverão serseguidasasindicaçõesdeeliminaçãocomoresíduodofabricante dosquímicos Paramaisinformaçõescontactar Artigo742requisitosdanorma ENISO14644 1 ISOClasse5 GMPA B EstaluvacumpreosseguintesrequisitosdaE...

Страница 24: ...ъкавица притемператураот 5 C 25 C Дасепазиотслънчевасветлинаиизточницинаозон Изхвърлянекатоотпадък Акоръкавицитенесазамърсенис химикалисеизхвърляткатобитовотпадък Следконтактс химикалитрябвадасеспазватуказаниятазаизхвърлянена производителянахимикалите Заповечеинформация молясвържетесес Член742изискваниянаENISO14644 1 ISOClass5 GMPA B ТоваръкавицаотговарянаследнитеизискваниянаEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 ...

Страница 25: ...σκευασία σεθερμοκρασία5 C 25 C τιςπηγέςόζοντος Προστατέψτεαπότοφωςτουήλιουκαι Απόρριψη Απορρίψτεσταοικιακάαπορρίμματαταγάντιαπουδεν έχουνμολυνθείμεχημικέςουσίες Μετάτηνεπαφήμεχημικέςουσίες θαπρέπειναακολουθήσετετιςυποδείξειςαπόρριψηςτουπαραγωγού τηςχημικήςουσίας Γιαπερισσότερεςπληροφορίεςπαρακαλώεπικοινωνήστεμε Τοάρθρο742απαιτήσειςτουπροτύπου ENISO14644 1 ISOClass5 GMPA B Τογάντιπληροίτιςακόλουθες...

Страница 26: ...s bent5 Ctemperatūroje 25 C Saugokitenuosaulėsšviesosirozonošaltinių Naikinimas Chemikalaisneužterštaspirštinesutilizuokitesu buitinėmisatliekomis Posąlyčiosuchemikalaisatkreipkitedėmesįį chemikalųgamintojoutilizavimonurodymus Dėlpapildomosinformacijosprašomekreiptis 742straipsnisreikalavimus ENISO14644 1ISO5klasė GGPA B ŠipirštinėatitinkašiuosreikalavimusEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 visiškai EN455 2 201...

Страница 27: ...esięcy Przechowywanie transport Płaskie suche ciemne Bez dodatkowychładunek woryginalnymopakowaniu wtemperaturze 5 C 25 C Chronićprzedsłońcemiozonu Utylizacja Rękawicenieskontaminowanechemicznieutylizowaćz odpadkamidomowymi Wprzypadkukontaktuzchemikaliamiproszę przestrzegaćinformacjiproducentachemikaliówoutylizacji Wceluuzyskaniadalszychinformacjiprosimyokontakt Artykuł742WymoginormyENISO14644 1 I...

Страница 28: ...aavotiem Utilizācija Jacimdinavsaskārušiesarķimikālijām tosvarutilizēt kopāarmājsaimniecībasatkritumiem Jacimdiirsaskārušiesar ķimikālijām jāievēroķimikālijuražotājanorādījumiparutilizāciju Sīkākaiinformācijailūdzamsazinātiesar Raksts742prasībāmsaskaņāar ENISO14644 1 ISOClass5 GMPA B ŠiscimdsatbilstšādāmprasībāmEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 pilnīgi EN455 2 2011 05 pilnīgi EN455 3 2007 03 5 3olbaltumvielas...

Страница 29: ...eprotejaîmpotrivaluminiisolareşiasurselordeozon Eliminare Mănuşilenecontaminatecusubstanţechimicesevor eliminaîmpreunăcudeşeurilemenajere Dupăcontactulcu substanţechimicesevorrespectainstrucţiuniledeeliminareale producătoruluisubstanţeichimice Pentruinformaţiisuplimentarevărugămsăcontactaţi Articolul742CerințedeENISO14644 1 ISOclasa5 GMPA B AceastămănușăîndeplineșteurmătoarelecerințealeEN455 EN455...

Страница 30: ...inalniembalaži pritemperaturiod5 C 25 C Zavarujtejihpredsončnosvetloboinozonom Odstranjevanje Čezrokavicaministeprišlivstikskemikalijami jih lahkoodstranitezgospodinjskimiodpadki Postikuskemikalijami moratezaodstranjevanjeupoštevatiopozorilaproizvajalcakemikalij Zadodatneinformacijeseobrnitena Člen742Zahteve ENISO14644 1 ISOrazred5 GMPA B TarokavicaizpolnjujenaslednjezahteveEN455 EN455 1 2001 01 p...

Страница 31: Bertaraf Kimyasalolarakkirlenmemişeldivenlerievselatıklarla atabilirsiniz Kimyasallatemasetmişolaneldivenleriçinkimyasal maddeüreticisininatıkuyarılarıdikkatealınmalıdır Dahafazlabilgiiçinlütfen TR KategoriIIkişiselkoruyucudonanımlariçintalimatı89 686 EECEkIII Bölüm1 4içinbilgibroşürü ENISO14644 1Madde742gereksinimleri ISOSınıf5 GMPA B BueldivenEN455 aşağıdakigereksinimlerikarşılayan EN455 1 2...

Страница 32: ...кивесомворигинальнойупаковке при температуреот5 C 25 C Беречьотсолнечногосветаи источниковозона Утилизация Беззагрязненияхимикатамиперчаткиможно утилизироватьвместесбытовымиотходами Послеконтактас химикатамиследуетучитыватьинструкциипоутилизации производителяхимикатов Задополнительнойинформациейобращайтесь Статья742требованиямENISO14644 1 ISOкласс5 GMPA B Этаперчаткасоответствуетследующимтребовани...

Страница 33: ...KCL GmbH Industriepark Rhön Am Kreuzacker 9 36124 Eichenzell Deutschland T 49 6659 87 300 F 49 6659 87 155 www kcl de ...

Страница 34: ...www honeywellsafety com ...

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