Available driving distance
Displays the estimated distance you can
travel on the remaining fuel.
Display range: 999 to 0 km (mile)
If the calculated value is 999 km (mile) or
more: “999 km (mile)” is displayed.
Initial display: “---” is displayed.
When the amount of remaining fuel is
below 1.0 L (0.26 US gal, 0.22 Imp gal):
“---” is displayed.
The indicated available driving distance is
calculated based on the driving conditions,
and the indicated figure may not always be
the actual available distance.
When “---” is displayed except for the above
mentioned cases, go to your dealer for
Tripmeter A/B
Distance ridden since tripmeter A or
tripmeter B respectively were reset.
When “----.-” is displayed, go to your dealer
for service.
To reset the tripmeter:
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Operation Guide