Honda Publications
These publications will give you
additional information for
maintaining and repairing your
outboard motor. You may purchase
them from your Honda marine dealer.
Shop Manual
This manual covers complete
maintenance and overhaul procedures.
It is intended to be used by a skilled
Parts Catalog
This manual provides complete,
illustrated parts lists.
Customer Service Information
Contacting Honda
Your owner's manual was written to
cover most of the questions you
might ask about your Honda. Any
questions not answered in the owner's
manual can be answered by your
Honda dealer. If your dealer doesn't
have an immediate answer, they
should be able to get it for you.
If you have a difference of opinion
with your dealer, please remember
that each dealership is independently
owned and operated. That's why it's
important to work to resolve any
differences at the dealership level. If
the service personnel are unable to
assist you, please discuss your
concerns with the dealer management
such as the Service Manager or
Dealer Owner.
If you need to contact American
Honda regarding your experiences
with your Honda product or with
your dealer, please send your
comments to the following address:
American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Marine Division
Customer Relations Office
4900 Marconi Drive
Alpharetta, GA 30005-8847
Telephone (770)497-6400
M-F 8:30am-7:00pm (Eastern Time