Replacing Rear Bulbs
1. Open the trunk.
When replacing a bulb in the right
assembly, remove the jack first.
2. Use a Phillips-head screwdriver to
remove the two screws and pull
off the lining.
3. Determine which of the four bulbs
is burned out: tail/stoplight, back-
up light, turn signal, or side
marker. Remove the socket for
that bulb by turning it counter-
4. To remove the tail/stoplight bulb,
back-up light bulb or the turn
signal bulb, push it in slightly and
turn it counterclockwise. To
remove the side marker bulb, pull
it straight out of the socket.
5. Install the new bulb in the socket.
Insert the socket back in the
taillight assembly and turn it clock-
wise to lock it in place.
6. Test the new bulb. Put the lining
back and tighten the two screws.
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