Honda 1981 GL500 Interstate Скачать руководство пользователя страница 13

Содержание 1981 GL500 Interstate

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Страница 4: ...lways make a prc nde m p ctton paae 39 before you start the tnJ ine You may preve nt n 1Cc1drnt or rqu1p mrnt dilm a e 1 M u ly ac uJcnts mvolve mcxpenencrd riders Masl l Jt s rcquue 1 ipecJal moton ydc ndm ll SI or lictnK Make surr you art qu Jhfi d bc oa you ndt NEVER lend your motorcyclr to an inexpenenced nder Many liUtomobllc motorcydtaccadents h appen bt au K the utomobde dnvu docs not set t...

Страница 5: ... 1 lmptOfHr loodutJ k Drn IItTS and owr ll motDrc clr C Onduion poot rt d or w ltltu condltlOnJ ttt Thu l lftlfll 1111dtlmrs 11111J htlp you dttldr wlt thu or how to tquip your rnoto qclt o d how to load lt JD rl Lotdma Tht om rncd WC Iglll or Cht rider pas icn r CJtJO mnd llJ acct sones mus1 noI t t ttd 3 1 Q Jh lht C hh IC lpXH load C trJO wtl hl tJonr shoold nol ce d l Kup CJr o and Jcccuory wc...

Страница 6: ...ency 3 Do not add elec Hkill quJpment lhat will extt l d the motorcycle s clectricaJ syste m capacity A blown ruse could cause a dangerous loss or lights or engtne power at niahl or in t ra ffic 4 This motorcyc le was not designe d to pull a tidee ur or trailer Hllndlin may bt senously impaired ifso equipped S Any modification or the cooling system maycause overheating and serious engine damage Do...

Страница 7: ...pbct menr OUt auahc m7cd HonJ a Dulcr Tht aut of tlru o thtr tlum tlton listtd on the tfrl ln orm Jtlon label may ad trstly lftct hattdllnt Do not imtall tube I Pf ltrts on tubt less rims The be11ds may not srat and tht tiru could lip on the rims auJlng tire d flatfon Proper wlt tl balam t IIIC I4Qry for safe stobft halldllfll of tht motor c_vclt Do not rftmu t or chanxe any w hnl bDilltiCt wtftht...

Страница 8: ... Ciencralot around town rldJna I I I I 1 2ta cm2 l Up to lliJI way 17 0 70pSI whklo capodty roqhroad lood rid Check and adjust air pr sure when the front Cork tubes and rear ahock absorbers are cold before ridlnJ I Place the motorcycle on its center stand Do not use the side stand or you wiJJ aet false pressure rcudlng t 2 Remove lhe ront rork lir Vlllve C p I and rear shock abliorbe r alr valve c...

Страница 9: l JW tch 5 Hcad U J ht di mm tr JWI1ch 6 Clutch te er 7 Rea vit w minors 8 Choke knob 9 Speedotlleter 10 Waml111 ud lndl ato li J ll II TKhom ltr 12 Ttmp raiW PII 13 811l elluld m m lt 14 Eociocstapwilch IS 811l elcm 16 Th olllc pip I 7 S rttr button 18 IJ nltionswitch 11 ...

Страница 10: ... 4 Brakt pe dal I hiCIVJIYf 4 Gtatshiltpcd a l cl oCll lnt r wrvc 111nk S Foot ptf ll 011 ftlkr 1111 dlp lldc C6 Crn1 1 sn d I Helmet holder PtsSt n8tt foot Pt tl S Finlll drtvo MUI oD nUet cap 13 12 ...

Страница 11: ... rtpbctmtnl pni Rtt ord 1hc numheh h tre for your rdercnt c FRAME NO 14 I h eh dc l oh nul tt 10 umk r tIt un lhl S lt t cuah IUnn lJh l 1fftud In lh kfl tJt of tn nnl ht aJ UHt numto r lhr umt n the lr 1mt numhtr t 1 n mped on 1hc nr ht Jdt or lht h un he 1d The ena ane number 3 s limped on ld t Jide or the crankcase f Eng nc numiMI 15 ...

Страница 12: ...ntl tndtcacor S Rl ht tum sipal U di otor 6 l 0 prusure wamin li ht 7 Neutrallndieator 8 l tliJh bum indicator 9 Coolant temperature gauge I 0 Tachom r I ll Tachometer red zon 12 Tnpmetcr reset knob 16 Od prrssurc warninJ IIJ lt ll dl I IPh heft oil pttssurc tS b W nortrt t opcnt Ullp Shoukl tcht whco ipltton S olh h b ON and encanc no1 runnlftl Should 10 out htn ne S1lftt O etpl fo1 Q C Q UOI W O...

Страница 13: ...C UOft 11 T rip_m _ _ _ rt l ahown _______________ 18 Coolant Temperature Gau Norm l ope ratin temperature is within che wide white band If t he needle nccrs t h rrd 1one while rad1ng Slop lht l n tine and check the rt trve rank toolant Jevel Read pages 37 38 and do not ride che mocort yc1e unulrhe problem hit krn orrt lt d Dunn cJLtt ndcd 1dhn1 1n cr hot Wtllthl r the nccdll m1y l nltr the red mt...

Страница 14: ...d hould nor mally remain in RUN NOTE If your motorcycle is stopped with th lgnltlon switch ON and the en glm stop iW toh OFF the headlight ond tallhaJu will sttlt be on resullana ln batttt dtJCharat Stlrltr Buuon The suner buuon 11 bdow the tn lnt stop SWIH h I When th t surtt r button ll ptt Md the starter mocor will cnn k the tnatnt and the htadh ht wt U aucomJht alty ao out bul the tadh ht wlll...

Страница 15: ...eturn 10 the center ofO whr n finish d Hom Sulton 3 Press the button to sound the horn II lt 11dltf ht d1mn wt Itch fl rwn UJIYIIt lh h Cl tl lfn buteon Steerina Lock To Jock chc Jtetring tum the h ndlebars u the way to the leh or rlaht turn che k Y I 10 LOCK whil pu loin ln Remove the key fmmB DD not turn thr k y t tJ LOCK hilt ndtnf tltt mOIDUJ d II lftutiOn h y tA Push tn I Tum to LOC _ 23 ...

Страница 16: ...own the latch 3 until il loeb remove the key G 1 l l l 3 The htlrrwt holdtr u dttrtlftd for usr M Itflr parkmJ Do not optrttt thr motor _v e with o htlmll alluchtd 10 tJr boldu The hrlmtl mq ttr trt ilh thl rtar wht f pouibly SIOPPf l thr whet 5 Lo r rlnc 6 Holdc r pin Windolti ld Height Adju 1ment The wandsheld hu a heia hl ad iuslment or 25 mm I in Adjust the wllld sltie ld to Ull your ridin p f...

Страница 17: ...u tqu11JI In btllh sldts 10 mlnlmi t lmbtJMrttt RtttirwLotJdinlllnd Jt CCtJSOritl lk on IOtJdml YenlU t ion Louvrrs GL500 INTERSTATEhu two ventiluion lou en apeo tbe louvtn to dlrtct air now tJU ouah the fairln a for warm wtather ri4ln Do not odJIIJt the ntflotlon lou tt f whUt ridin1 thr motorc clt Krrp both h onds on tit Jrondltbon wltilt ridinJ I Ventil lticnt lOU N Headliaht Bum Adju nmtl11 Tb...

Страница 18: ...k wtu The helmet latches wlll tpnn up Push the latdlt forward until lhey c Uc t Pull th rear of lhe trunk ur oli htly then ou1 2 Lll h To llac b llt trunk rt he ltllnk tab 3 in the olot 4 abcrf C the fender Push the rear of the trunk down to lock S mly Lock the helmetlatcbc s remove the key r c m m Ti l l uunk l1 or llrhr w lght items Oo not Cfl more than 20 lbs ReVifiWLoodi r t and Atcestories bt...

Страница 19: ...h saddlcbaa l oioek ch helmet holder latch 3 under the rear or the trave l trunk wi1h the iJnition key turn the key counter clockwise Push the Press buuon in the buckle 4 at11cbed lo the front pll1 o the saddlebaa whUe pulbna the b a up and b ek HOTE Veer r movina tbe uddleb1p be sure 10 push the helmet holder latches down until lhey lock and remov the key Thue btches l1lo pll1 or the locltifta me...

Страница 20: ...1ft trufltt Bt tott JI run ro toucJ ony hot tutint porll whilt opnut l tht futl 1 1 ve OM Off 8ES If l Fuel n lve m normal opt nllina poJillon f ut1 Tank futl lank capacity iJ 17 6 4 6 US Jol includtna l Sf 0 7 US pi in the reserve supply To mOYe the furl tank cap I t1 lhe ianillon key 2 and tum il dockWise The cap will pop up and can be IJfled off An Jutomotl t snhnc wa1h a Pump Odlllle numbor R ...

Страница 21: ...Runnrnt thr wttlt rnJu fic4tnl od Cliff nrW t JtriOIIJ rnttnt dt fftll 1 FUier cap dipstic k l owcr level mat 2 Upper level mnsk Entint Oil fhtomm ndal n USE IIO OA STROKE OIL OR AN EQUIVAL NT c onl hlsh Stl rttnt rrtmium qu aluy motor oil rltfk J to mttl or txeffd US autntnO IIr rnanu tcture n r quut nteniS Of Strvu e la ilfu allon SE Mo1or oils lntrndcd for Servil e SE wdl show tlllJ lrsianarion...

Страница 22: ...ed for use in ll ununum en gines 5 1 O NTIFREEZE CO ITAINER LABEL C AUTION J ard fJttr u ralt WOIU u ha mjultll utu ml tum The fa tOT ptO IItJh a 50150 soiUhOft of antifreez c and attr 1 11 the CLSOO INTERST o TE Thll coolant solution Is re commended for most ope ntina tem pera_tures and providet ood co rros1oo protection A h1cher eonce ntratio n o anti neu dccreues Ule cooling syuem pe rfotmance ...

Страница 23: wUl only take a few minu1es and in lhe long run they can save limt Jtpense and possibly your life 1 Ensine oil level add enaine oU if re qulnd pages 34 35 Cheek or leaka l Fuel level fill fud tank when ncces sary p 33 Cbeck for lelkL 3 Coolan1 level add coolanl If required Cbeck for leaks page1 37 38 4 Front and rear bra kes chc clc opera tion make sure there iJ no brake nuid leakllae Adjust rr...

Страница 24: ...VIOI lhe lhloHit closed I I Chol t nnb M lullyCh t4tt l 18 hdl pu CAUTION T1tr rrJ oU P llwr Dtntnx l lltt 11tou J 10 o 111 lil srconds ftrr tl lflltrtt 114111 Jfth tthl JI Q J on 110p th tn llftt IMm dillt l end th rk tttllnt oil lt tl Do no1 opl nttt tht en11nt h insuffici nt o pre urt 3 lmmt hacely lhtr che engine stucs opero1e 1he choke knob I 10 kocp lhe ena nespe dal 1 000 J SOO rpm 4 About ...

Страница 25: ...d pcrformancr rom the c nJ i ne NOT USA ONLY Aher brc a k in maintenance remove tile BREAK IN eoutlon labd from the speedometer lens RIDING Rnuw MDtonytl Stlftt 1 pa zrsl 9 beftJrc you ride J11b sun thr sidr st11nd is fully trtltttd bt ort n dittllhr molttrc lclt If tltt stand Is txtrudrd it m11y intt f n with tontrot during o It I turn Shiflln1 PIIHctn Proper shlfritl a wW provide betler uel econ...

Страница 26: ...ts firmly brdrptndtm uJt of on lht froru or rr4r broh nduus Jtopputl pufomr onrt E rtrrmt brt 4m mo c usr tulttr khttl to lorJ rtJt cmx rontrol 0 llir ntOIOrr tl Whrn PtJJJ1blr ftdlttr Jprrd ur brukr Hfore tltrtrhrt o tum closi111 the throltlt 01 brt1kln1 In mld tutn may CGU t whulllip Wlrrtl Jllp will rttduu control of tht motorcyclt Whtn rldin1 In Wtl orfVIilfJ conditions or on loost rurfott J t...

Страница 27: ...ble Tht baucry will dilc hare e tr the i tli tion switch is ldt at P or too Jona a llmt ANT1 TH FT TIPS 1 Ahvayc lock lhe sleerina and never auve the key In the i nhion s witch This sounds simple but people do OfJCI 2 Be SUrf the rcsistratton information for your motorcycle is atcuratc and c urrent J Ptrk your motorc yclr in 1 locked pu e whenever post tbte 4 Use an addiho naJ antJ thcCt device of...

Страница 28: ...pair to verify proper mbly 48 Stop th ttf ltnt ond 1uppott tltt mOtOr yclt snurtl7 Off o ltwl n ftiU btft m pufortnlfiJihtit prtJttdurts Tool K11 The Tool kit I is an the noraxc compart mtnt undtr 1he reu trunk base Some J OI cbldt rcpaU1 mmor adjustments a nd pans replacement can be pedonncd wtth the toolt tont lned in the klL H ok topanncr 6mrn he lr Jtm h I 0 x IZmrn opcrn emJ wrench 14 x 17mm ...

Страница 29: ...lo holder To Install th front wheel mbly poe uon the whecJ b lwten the fork kp LO r the forlc J so the hollow m the fort kp rest on top of the ule CAUTION Whtn lnlltllllnl rh wheel fit rh ri111t hr11h dttc turt ully betwt rn lht brt kt pod11a a1 uld darnaxlng 1h pod6 Position the IU on tho speedometer aear box opln t lhe lu1 8 on the left fork leg lnJiaU lh exle holders 6 with the F mark 7 forward...

Страница 30: ...Y4 It on tts ttnlcf slilnd Rtmo e the re r hrd e U husttntt nu1 I dl tonnccl lhf hn1kt rod from Ihe hr ke urn 1J 3 Remove the rear Crunk See page 28 4 DISConnect thr brake stopper arm I from the brah panel by removmalhe ouer Pln stopper arm nut 6 5 Remove lhe axle bolditl boll 7 6 Remove lllc axle nul 8 whlle holdll 1 the uJe If the other end wcth a wrench 7 Pull ouccheaxle 8 Move the whe el l the...

Страница 31: ...CAUTION AI GJ I rrploa uJtd t otttr plnl wuh fuse Rrplacc nt The m1in fu sc ll ne ar the batteJY on the uve ltld tn the ruse bolder b 30A Tht fu e box 3 is on the b tttdlcbar holder The pee fttd U t lll t IOA for tht he adhlht and the tail meter lamps W lt n frc qutnt fuu hilure occurs h usua Uy lndic lles a short circuit or an overload in che elect rical system See your authorlud llondt dealer Co...

Страница 32: ...l1ndards dunnK lhC Ir uxful hft whe n optrJitd 1nd ma ntlu ltd 1ccordtna to thr tnstroctlons prov drd Comrlhtnc 11h the 1erm s of thr D1lilr1butor 5 Warranty for ltonda MotorcycJ Enu uln Control Systt tn l 11 necros l l an oultr In k ttp lhC cmls siont systrm warunty in eff t USA ONI 1 When rv1ce 111 required remember 1h H ynur luthoriztd Honda dealer k nows your motorcycle ben ond IJJ fully equip...

Страница 33: ...ctllt ment a11d dltnwtt tMt you may not bt GbJt to dtttct Stop the tltfint d swpport tltt motor cy cle sea rtly ott ltvtlsru tlt t bt Ort ptr Onr lifCIDnJ m11inttnanct Ust ntw ttnufnl Honda pans o r thl ir tqulwtltnt for mll nllnanu and rtfNJif hrll wltith 111 ttot of tqulraJtrU qwoltl l y lmp lr tht so tl l of yowr motorcycle and tilt t Ttch t optrlriOfl of tht emiSJiOrt control rysrtnu Tbc VC ht...

Страница 34: ...ronJ Of h er birll ll wutw4 cw O l ftCUfMd U A O LY 60 for hi Jhef odcuatl tt ruJWJp r pqt_ l dw fr Ut llk ltU 1 at l ht tWNTENANCE RECORD PerfoJmed By Odomerer Date 600 1 r 3 7SO 1 300 ll 2SO i t 1 Make sure whoever performs e 1 ______ maintentnct includin the 600 m lantenanct complet s ihi record All StheduJed normal owner operltina cost and uflbe OOOh km break an matnttonlnce It con dered w c a...

Страница 35: ...In good condition and mstall the over 01l filrtr boll torqu l O l S ka m 14 18 ll lbl 62 4 Fdl che aanknst w11h approximately l S hrtH 2 6 US quans of lh rerom mendtcl gnd oil Install ahe oU fdltt cap S Start the en mt 1nd Itt u idk for a fewmmut 6 Stop the en1Jnt Mal t sure th o l ltvtl d 11 tht upp r ltvt l mark and there art no oil ltaks I OU dr un ptua U l Oil rulet bolt tJI Stillln wuhn l Oil...

Страница 36: ...ndtd hiah spud dn ina u nectu ary bc nd the s 1Jt elecnode 2 earduUy 4 With the plug washen AHached rhread the new tpark plugs In by band to prevcnl crossthreadJ n S Tl hcen the spark plup I 2 tum w tb a sparl plua wrendl to compTe the washer X 7ES U NO or 09EA IGKJ For opliona1 on board rad1o For norma1 c ondihon CAVTtON X 241lSR U NO or DRSES LCNCK 71 t t plut mu11 br securrl For extended biah 1...

Страница 37: V1 the wide white band 66 1 W tm up the en tnc lhtft tn neutr l and place the motorcycle on It center sttnd 1 AdJust tdlc sp d wath the thronl JIOP scuw t I IDLE SPEED 1 100 100 rpm lrCie anrr fhe air deaner shovld be strvKed 11 r JUiar int Mis paae 59 When rtcbns 1n dusty are more frequent service 1113 be necessary 1 RcmOYe riahrside cover 1 lum the 11r dea11er cover 2 counh r clo kwise 1nd re...

Страница 38: ... lac thand C nJ InC wecJ orm1l clut h 1t IC f free pb Wou1d h 1 0 0mmO l l 3 4 1nl11 thelc er l 1 M11ke minor adjusrments with the clutch cable adjus er 4 11 the clutch Jeve r l Pull back the rubber dust cover 2 Loosen the lock nut 3 and tum the clutch cable odjUlter 4 to obtalA the specirted r play TOII ten the lock nut 3 aftd cheok od JustmenL 3 If Ihe adjwter is threaded ou1 near its limit or t...

Страница 39: ...l t ou1d ltvel drops JUtomatu all Ompen UIIn Of Uf fhtre ue no adJUSimtnu to ptrlorm hut 01 nd h tl and pat l w n mu st he tnspt tlcd pcnoJiciillly l ht wst m must b n ecttd lrequ ntl to nsuh then Jte nu nutd Inn If lhe control lt tr rrer 1t t HI be omu C 1 t umi lh l rh I JOn I Jd He not worn l1c yond cht tt ommtrHlt J tun11 p t 72 lhero iJ probably air itt he f1l t S S tcm and 11 mus1 l e bkd St...

Страница 40: ...eck Make sure there arc no nuid leaks Check for dcte riorauon or cncks ln the h and rittln S I Anow l Weu line Blllhdisc Rear Brake u stm_cnt A stopper boll I tS pro dtd tu allo Jd Jt lSlmcnt of lhr pc J al hctaht toostn the lock 12 nd turn the stopper boolt l1ahttn lhe lod nut t Pia the motorqdc on lti cnterstand 2 Measure the dtttancc tht rear bnkt pedal 3 moves bdort 1he butt starts 10 take hol...

Страница 41: ... will occw If rapKI loss ofelecuotyte is expcnence d or rf your batttry se ems to be we ak CIUirnl s low starrine or orher tlectnul prQblems see your IIUihonud Honda dealer Bau ery cleclroly l The b3uer I Is um lcr Ihe seat Re move the Ide aide cover Check t he b allcry eleccrolyce lbe electrolyte lnd must bt m ncaa ncd betwren rhc upper and lower l tc cl marks on the S1dr of lhr batlc ry If tht c...

Страница 42: ...oid IPnl ifll high p Yssu n wcttr rypCc In cofn optrnt d car washu at the following art ll Radiator Ffn Brau Masttr Cylinder Whtt l Hubs Mu f tr Oul 111 Undtr Futl T nk UndtrSJ t ptition Stt tltclt lhndltbu Swltchos lnstrvmtntJ Carb11reton Rtar Trunk l After cleanln a rinse lhe m otorcycJe tborouahly wlch plenty of clean water Siron decergent residue can corrode alloy paru 2 Dry th motorcydt narc ...

Страница 43: ...other systems to r tduee carbon monoxide and hydroearbonL Exhaust mln10n Control Syuem 78 The exhaust emiSSion control system IS composed of Ran carburetor sctcmgs and no dJUSimC nls s hould bt msde txctpt die speed adJullmtnl Wtth the thronle stor s rt The uho ust cmass10n onuol t stcm lS scpanlt from the crankcase C lr ISSJOn con uol s su m CunkCIJ Em1 io Curnrol Svslt lll The en ine is equipp d...

Страница 44: ...INFORMATION VEHICLE STOPPI IIC DISTANCE nus flJure 10dJC1tC brakm pc rform ncc thtt c n be met or exceeded by the eh des to whach 11 applies WithOut lockanc the wheels under d1fferent condntonr o loadin A Tht u lformahon presented represents results obtainable by skilled drivers under controlled roud and vehicle conditioru and the inforrnation may nol be correct under other condilionJ tsc npuon or...

Страница 45: ... passengerseat l ruta lled Vehide capacity load 168 ka 370 lb l l_ Capacity ror operator only with tto vel trunk imtalled 82 Bore 11nd suoke Comprcss on nho Ddpl acemcnl Sport plua type r u s A m o de I For optional on boord X24ES U ND or 08EA NGIO xnES u No o D9EA NCK II rldjo For normal oondt X24ESR U NO or lion DR8ES L NGK For tXtended hich X27ESR U NO or Canadi tn model X24ESR U N O or OR8ES L...

Страница 46: ... passengerseat l ruta lled Vehide capacity load 168 ka 370 lb l l_ Capacity ror operator only with tto vel trunk imtalled 82 Bore 11nd suoke Comprcss on nho Ddpl acemcnl Sport plua type r u s A m o de I For optional on boord X24ES U ND or 08EA NGIO xnES u No o D9EA NCK II rldjo For normal oondt X24ESR U NO or lion DR8ES L NGK For tXtended hich X27ESR U NO or Canadi tn model X24ESR U N O or OR8ES L...

Страница 47: ...Generator UCHTS Htodll ht HIGH LOW Tlll stopllaht Turn t nol ltd t Meter IJ hrs Ncu1ral anchcator h ht Tum lllnaJ mcfic tor ll ht Hf h bum indieator h hl Od pressure warninc 11 111 FUSE 12V 14AH A C l nerator 0 252 kW S OOO rpm 12V 60 SSW H4 Bulb l ltilips 12342 99 or equivalent 12V J 32 t p SAE NO 1157 12V 32 cp SAil NO FRONT 1034 REAR 1073 12V 2 cp SAE NO 51 12V 2 cp SAE NO S1 12V 2 cp SAE NO S1...
