Making Calls
To make a phone call, simply pick up a connected telephone and
listen for a dial tone. Whenever a connected phone is taken
off-hook, the In Use Indicator is illuminated.
If a PSTN landline is connected, you will hear the normal dial tone.
Simply make your call as normal. If the landline is temporarily
unavailable, the C3 will automatically switch to GSM mode.
If a PSTN landline is not present or is temporarily unavailable, the
GSM network will be used. You will hear a dial tone with a different
cadence from the normal PSTN dial tone. When you hear this dial
tone, you know that the PSTN landline is currently unavailable and
you are using the GSM network.
When connected to a security system and an alarm occurs, the call
will be made using the GSM network as if using the PSTN landline.
Making a call using the GSM network
1) Pick up the phone and listen for the GSM dial tone.
2) Dial the phone number you wish to call and then press the ‘#’
key on the phone keypad. The call will be made immediately.
If you do not press the ‘#’ key after dialing the phone number,
the call will automatically be made several seconds after the last
digit was entered.
When a landline is present
If you would like to make a phone call using the GSM network even
when a PSTN landline is available, you may do so as follows:
1) Pick up the phone and listen for the normal dial tone.
2) Press the ‘*’ key on the phone keypad.
3) You will immediately hear the GSM dial tone.
4) Dial the phone number you wish to call as described above.