Rev. 1.00
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Rev. 1.00
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Brushless DC Motor A/D Flash MCU
Brushless DC Motor A/D Flash MCU
To minimise power consumption the device can enter the SLEEP or any IDLE Mode, where the
CPU will be switched off. However, when the device is woken up again, it will take a considerable
time for the original system oscillator to restart, stabilise and allow normal operation to resume.
After the system enters the SLEEP or IDLE Mode, it can be woken up from one of various sources
listed as follows:
• An external falling edge on Port A
• A system interrupt
• A WDT overflow
If the device is woken up by a WDT overflow, a Watchdog Timer reset will be initiated.
he actual
source of the wake-up can be determined by examining the TO and PDF flags. The PDF flag is
cleared by a system power-up or executing the clear Watchdog Timer instructions and is set when
executing the "HALT" instruction. The TO flag is set if a WDT time-out occurs, and causes a wake-
up that only resets the Program Counter and Stack Pointer, the other flags remain in their original
Each pin on Port A can be setup using the PAWU register to permit a negative transition on the pin
to wake-up the system. When a Port A pin wake-up occurs, the program will resume execution at
the instruction following the "HALT" instruction. If the system is woken up by an interrupt, then
two possible situations may occur. The first is where the related interrupt is disabled or the interrupt
is enabled but the stack is full, in which case the program will resume execution at the instruction
following the "HALT" instruction. In this situation, the interrupt which woke-up the device will not
be immediately serviced, but will rather be serviced later when the related interrupt is finally enabled
or when a stack level becomes free. The other situation is where the related interrupt is enabled and
the stack is not full, in which case the regular interrupt response takes place. If an interrupt request
flag is set high before entering the SLEEP or IDLE Mode, the wake-up function of the related
interrupt will be disabled.