Cenova Image Analytics Server 3.0 Installation & Service Manual
Chapter 4: Administrative Functions
Page 88
MAN-05205 Revision 003
Process State – Aborted
Process State – Cancelled
on page 88 for more details regarding these results.
Alerts occur when the image results in any of the following states:
Image State – Failure (algorithm result)
Image State – Aborted (algorithm result)
Missing Image Process State – Rejected
An alert can also occur when the output status is in the following state:
Output State – Cancelled
4.9.1 Case Manager Options
The following table lists the Case Manager options and their function.
Case Manager
Columns /
Patient Name
NoFilter – To remove specific values that you have typed into
column heading boxes, click NoFilter.
Contains – When you click Contains, only the specific patient
information you type in will be displayed. You can sort the results
of this search by clicking the column heading.
Patient ID
NoFilter – To remove specific values that you have typed into
column heading boxes, click NoFilter.
Contains– When you click Contains, only the specific patient
information you type in will be displayed. You can sort the results
of this search by clicking the column heading.
Case Status
ABORTED – This setting will display the cases aborted by the
Cenova server.
CASE_PROCESSING – This setting will display cases currently in
case processing.
IMAGE_PROCESSING – This setting will display cases currently
in image processing.
NOT_RUN – This setting will display cases that have not run.
These cases will
be run.
PROCESSED – This setting will display cases currently that have
been processed.
QUEUED – This setting will display cases currently in the queue.