Cenova Image Analytics Server 3.0 Installation & Service Manual
Chapter 3: Installing the System
MAN-05205 Revision 003
Page 51
3.4.6 Configuring Algorithm Processing Options
The Processing screens allow you to specify processing settings used by the Cenova
software applications. The settings on these screens complement the license options
purchased by the site. Once you establish the settings on these pages, you can adjust
them as needed.
This section provides information on the following options:
Configuring Processing – 2D CAD
on page 51
Configuring Processing – Tomo CAD
on page 59
Configuring Processing – Biomarkers
on page 60
Configuring Processing – 2D CAD
Use the Processing – 2D CAD screen to specify processing settings for the ImageChecker
CAD (2D) applications. The settings must be determined through consultation with
clinical staff when you install the application. Once established, you can adjust the
settings as needed.
To set ImageChecker CAD (2D) options:
Consult with the site clinical staff to determine the settings.
Verify Processing options and change as needed.
. The Processing screen appears.