Högert Technik GmbH, Pariser Platz 6a, 10117 Berlin,
Manufacturer's address:
GTV Poland Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., ul. Przejazdowa 21
05-800 Pruszków
Before using the protective dust mask, read the operating instructions carefully!
Dust mask with valve, model HT5K152 category III, designed to protect the respiratory tract against non-toxic and small
solid and liquid particles: fumes, dust, aerosols, mists. The dust half mask is used to enable efficient work in dusty
conditions. FFP2 class fi ltering half mask provides protection against fumes, dust, aerosols,with mists for which the
concentration of the dispersed phase does not exceed 10 NDS.
Protective properties
The half mask has been manufactured in accordance with the general requirements of EN149: 2001 +A1: 2009.
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union 2016/425 of March 9, 2016 on Personal
Protective Equipment and the repeal of Council Directive 89/686 / EEC. The FFP2 symbol means effective protection
against harmful effects of substancesin the form of dusts, aerosols, fumes, mists not exceeding the concentration of 10
NDS - this is the Maximum Allowable Concentration, described as the weighted average valueof the harmful factor,
which influencing the employee during the 8-hour working time and the average weekly working time specified in the
Labor Code and his professional activity should not have negative effects on his condition the health and health of his
The half mask does not protect against radioactive particles, viruses and enzymes.
The half-mask cannot be used in places with small cubic capacity, insufficient ventilation or impeded air flow due to the
possibility of oxygen deficiency The half-mask is made of materials that do not cause allergies.
However, the possibility of irritation in people with sensitive skin cannot be ruled out. The mask does not provide
effective protection in the event of a poor fit or facial hair.
Storage and maintenance conditions
The half mask is a disposable device and should be replaced after use.
Washing or cleaning does not restore the protective properties of the mask. The masks should be stored in a dry place,
with a humidity below 90% and at a temperature of 20-40 ° C.
Way of usage
Check the condition of the mask before use. The mask should be put on in a location free from harmful airborne
contaminants. The half mask should be put on so that the edges fit snugly against the face. The metal nose clip should
be shaped by the user to ensure that the mask fits snugly around the nose.
Before starting work, it is necessary to assess whether the product provides adequate protection for the working
conditions. Failure to follow the recommendations contained in the manual or inappropriate selection of the mask to
the conditions and work to be performed may result in deterioration or lack of protection effectiveness. A mask with
signs of mechanical damage such as tearing, tearing, abrasion must be disposed of and replaced with a new one.
Notified body
BSI Group The Netherlands B.V.,
registered in the Netherlands under number 33264284,
address: John M. Keynesplein 9, 1066 EP Amsterdam
(Notified Body No: 2797)
Previous Notified Body: BSI 0086
First Issued: 2020-04-24
Latest Issue: 2020-04-24
Access to the EU declaration of conformity
can be obtained from the website: