HOFFEN IFS-8555 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 35



 Do not set the adjustable nozzle when the 

device is in operation. 
6.  Turn the device on. The on/off switch LED will light 

up. The device will start heating up the water in its 

tank. After approximately 1 minute, the adjustable 

nozzle will start emitting steam. That means that the 

device is ready to use.  

7.  Slowly lower your face towards the adjustable nozzle. 

8.  The emerging steam should cover the entire face. 

The feeling of steam touching your face should be 

nice and pleasant. The steam should not feel as if it is 

burning your face.


Maintain a distance of at least 25 cm 

between the device and your face. 

9.  The device will turn off automatically after 15 minutes. 

10.  After the treatment, turn off the device and unplug it. 

11.   Empty the water tank (if it is still holding any water) 

and leave it to dry for approx. 10 minutes. 


 The device will turn off automatically if the 

water tank is empty or after 15 minutes have elapsed. 

12.  Wash your face with warm or cold water. 

13.  Apply a face cream or mask. After the treatment, your 

pores are open, absorbing the cream or mask better 

and systematically moisturising your skin. 

Additional information:

•  Do not use the ionic facial sauna for longer than 15 

minutes at a time. 

Содержание IFS-8555


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Страница 4: ...enie jest przeznaczone tylko do użytku wewnątrz pomieszczeń i nie może być używane do celów profesjonalnych Urządzenie nie jest przeznaczone do zastosowań medycznych 1 Urządzenie może być używane przez dzieci starsze niż 8 lat oraz osoby o ograniczonej zdolności fizycznej czuciowejlubpsychicznejlubosobyobraku Model IFS 8555 Numer partii POJM180555 Zasilanie 220 240V 50 60 Hz Moc 260 W 2 DANE TECHN...

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Страница 9: ...odzielnie Zawsze zlecaj naprawę specjaliście 39 Uwaga Jeśli przewód zasilający jest uszkodzony musi zostać wymieniony przez producenta jego serwis lub podobnie wykwalifikowane osoby w celu uniknięcia zagrożenia 40 Zachowaj instrukcję oraz jeśli to możliwe opakowanie 41 Elektroniczna wersja instrukcji dostępna jest pod adresem instrukcje vershold com ...

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Страница 11: ...k ostrzegający o nie używaniu sauny do twarzy z jonizacją w pobliżu wody nad wanną basenem pod prysznicem nad umywalką lub innym zbiornikiem wodnym Możliwość porażenia prądem elektrycznym 5 BUDOWA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...

Страница 12: ...jonizacją 2 1 x Regulowana dysza jest zainstalowana w saunie do twarzy z jonizacją nie można jej wyjąć 3 1 x Nasadka do zabiegów z olejkami 4 1 x Instrukcja obsługi Otwórz opakowanie i ostrożnie wyjmij jego zawartość Sprawdź czy zestaw jest kompletny i bez uszkodzeń Upewnij się że części z tworzyw sztucznych nie są pęknięte a przewód sieciowy nie jest uszkodzony Jeśli stwierdzisz że brakuje części...

Страница 13: ...ij zbiornik na wodę podważając pokrywę zbiornika od spodu 2 Odkręć korek napełnij zbiornik wodą destylowaną Pamiętaj by poziom wody mieścił się miedzy zaznaczonym poziomem minimum i maksimum Nigdy nie nalewaj wody więcej niż oznaczenie maksimum 3 Zakręć korek i umieść zbiornik na wodę z powrotem w urządzeniu Powinien być słyszalny odgłos kliknięcia Uwaga Nie należy dodawać do wody żadnych olejków ...

Страница 14: ...gotowana do nałożenia kremu lub wykonania kolejnych zabiegów pielęgnacyjnych np oczyszczających lub głęboko nawilżających Jonizator wytwarza małe cząsteczki pary które głęboko wnikają w skórę Dzięki temu skóra jest nawilżona jest dużo gładsza Zabieg sauny otwiera pory i pobudza krążenie Ze skóry przygotowanej w ten sposób można usunąć zanieczyszczenia ...

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Страница 22: ...jących z przepisów o rękojmi za wady rzeczy sprzedanej zgodnie z postanowieniami Kodeksu Cywilnego z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 roku Dz U 2014 121 9 Zasięg ochrony gwarancyjnej obejmuje terytorium Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej Producent Gwarant VERSHOLD POLAND Sp z o o Ul Żwirki i Wigury 16A 02 092 Warszawa Polska Wyprodukowano w Chinach ...


Страница 24: ...or private indoor use only It may not be used for commercial purposes The device is not suitable for medical applications 1 The device may be used by children over 8 years of age and persons with limited physical sensory or mental capacity or persons lacking the necessary experience and knowledge provided they are Model IFS 8555 Lot no POJM180555 Power supply 220 240V 50 60 Hz Power taring 260 W 2...

Страница 25: ...e to avoid the accumulation of oils or other residues 5 Caution When cleaning or operating the device do not immerse its electrical parts in water or other liquids Never hold the device under running water 6 Caution When the device is used in the bathroom the surface it is placed on must be flat dry and clean Do not put the device near a sink etc 7 Regularly check the power cord for damage If the ...

Страница 26: ...it in a safe location 13 Do not place the device on surfaces susceptible to water damage 14 Always keep the device and its power cord away from hot surfaces 15 Caution If a failure occurs while the device is in use immediately turn off the device and remove its plug from the mains socket 16 Caution During use your face should be at least 25 cm away from the nozzle Otherwise the hot steam may cause...

Страница 27: ...evice with wet hands 24 The device should be cleaned after every use to avoid the accumulation of oils or other residues This will ensure optimal operation and extend the lifespan of the device 25 Before any subsequent use the device must cool down completely 26 Read the entire manual before using the device 27 The device or more precisely one of its nozzles is used for treatments with essential o...

Страница 28: ... clean the device with corrosive cleaning agents 36 Protect the device against the ingress of water or other liquids 37 The device is not a toy 38 The device does not contain any user serviceable parts Do not attempt to repair the device on your own Always have the device repaired by a professional 39 Warning If the power cord is damaged it must be replaced by the manufacturer an authorised custom...

Страница 29: ...POSAL section of this manual The device is intended for private indoor use only Protection class II Protection against electric shock is ensured by adequate insulation double or enhanced the failure of which is very unlikely Trademarkindicatingthatthemanufacturer has made a financial contribution to the development and operation of a packaging materials recovery and recycling system ...

Страница 30: ...n of the packaging material corrugated cardboard Sign warning not to use the device near water bathtubs pools in showers near sinks or any other body of water Risk of electric shock 5 PRODUCT COMPONENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...

Страница 31: ... x Adjustable nozzle pre installed on the ionic facial sauna and not removable 3 1 x Oil nozzle 4 1 x User manual Open the packaging and carefully take out the device Make sure that the product set is complete and that its components are undamaged Check that the plastic parts are intact and the power cord is undamaged If any part is damaged or missing contact the dealer and do not use the product ...

Страница 32: ...the water tank 1 Remove the tank by pressing on its bottom part 2 Take off the cap and fill the tank with distilled water Remember that the water level should be between the minimum and maximum level Never fill the tank above the maximum mark 3 Screw the cap back on and place the water tank back in the device until it clicks into place Warning Do not add any aromatic oils herbs or other liquids or...

Страница 33: ...g a face cream or for any subsequent cleansing or deep moisturizing treatments The ioniser produces steam ions that penetrate deep into skin This makes your skin better moisturised and much smoother The sauna treatment opens the pores and stimulates circulation After this pre treatment you can thoroughly cleanse your skin Warning Before using the device carefully wash and dry your face ...

Страница 34: ...thatitsanglecorresponds to the position of your face Do not bring your face too close to the nozzle always maintain a safe distance Warning For treatments with essential oils use the oil nozzle supplied with the product set a Set the device on a flat dry and clean surface b Fill the water tank c Add 2 3 drops of the essential oil to the bottom of the essential oil nozzle d Place the oil nozzle on ...

Страница 35: ...l as if it is burning your face Warning Maintain a distance of at least 25 cm between the device and your face 9 Thedevicewillturnoffautomaticallyafter15minutes 10 After the treatment turn off the device and unplug it 11 Empty the water tank if it is still holding any water and leave it to dry for approx 10 minutes Warning The device will turn off automatically if the water tank is empty or after ...

Страница 36: ...e it dry gently with a clean and dry cloth Clean the nozzle and the base unit with a soft slightly moistened cloth and then wipe dry After every use empty and clean the water tank and remove any grease and other residues Clean the oil nozzles with a damp cloth It is recommended that the same oils be used so that the fragrances do not mix as it is impossible to remove their scent and clean the nozz...

Страница 37: ...ersonnel to prevent risk of injury Correct disposal of the device 1 According to the WEEE Directive 2012 19 EU the crossed out wheelie bin symbol shown on the side is used to label all electrical and electronic devices requiring segregation 2 Do not dispose of the spent product with domestic waste turn it over to an electric and electronic devices collectionandrecyclingcentre Thecrossed outwheelie...

Страница 38: ...le from local government agencies or from the dealer This device has been designed manufactured and marketed in compliance with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 2006 95 EC and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004 108 EC therefore the product has been marked with the CE mark and a declaration of conformity has been issued for it which is made available to market regulators ...

Страница 39: ... of purchase receipt invoice and describe the defect in as much detail as possible including in particular its external manifestations 4 The warranty excludes products with physical damage other than that caused by the manufacturer or the distributor including specifically any damage resulting from incorrect usage or force majeure 5 The warranty does not cover products whose protective seal has be...

Страница 40: ...er product does not exclude restrict or suspend any rights of the Buyer stemming from warranty regulations covering defects in goods sold pursuant to the Civil Code of 23 April 1964 Journal of Laws Dz U 2014 121 9 This Warranty is valid on the territory of Poland Manufacturer Warrantor VERSHOLD POLAND Sp z o o ul Żwirki i Wigury 16A 02 092 Warszawa Poland Made in China ...

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