To submit a complaint about the device,
it to a Customer Service Point at any Biedronka
Should you have any questions or issues related to
the product’s operation or complaint submission,
e-mail us at:
• or contact us by phone at:
+48 667 090 903
Your opinion is important to us. Evaluate our
product at:
1. The Manufacturer of this product grants
a 36-month warranty valid from the purchase
date. Should you find any defect, submit
a complaint at the place of purchase.
2. A defective/damaged product means a product
failing to provide the features described in the
Instruction Manual due to intrinsic properties of
the appliance.
The Beneficiary under the warranty shall deliver
the appliance to the Customer Service Point at
a relevant store in order to submit a complaint
about the equipment. When asserting your
rights under the warranty, you need to present