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Ensure that the device is installed in accordance with local standards or regulations.  


Only install in suitable environments, the following should be avoided : - 

Excessive ambient temperature



Hazardous areas. 


Do not use a high voltage tester on this device. 


Ensure that all wiring terminals are securely fastened. 


When positioning the detector ensure red FIRE LED is easily visible.








Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd 

Grosvenor Road, Gillingham Business Park, 

Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SA, England 

Telephone: +44(0)1634 260133    Facsimile: +44(0)1634 260132 

Email: [email protected] 



Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd. reserves the right to alter 
the specification of its products from time to time 
without notice.  Although every effort has been 
made to ensure the accuracy of the information 
contained within this document it is not warranted or 
represented by Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd. to be a 
complete and up-to-date description.  Please check 
our web site for the latest version of this document



