run Arduino.exe and select Board as `Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (5V, 16MHz) w/ ATmega 168`
load `FlightStab.ino`
uncomment `#define RX3S_V1` for RX3S V1 and check all other devices are commented out.
verify/compile the program.
locate the generated hex file at `C:\users\<user>\AppData\Temp\build<numbers>.tmp\FlightStab.cpp.hex`.
sort the directory by modified-date to help find the most recent `build<numbers>.tmp` entry.
verify the timestamp of `FlightStab.cpp.hex` matches current time.
Building the Firmware via cmake (recommended)
install C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8
ensure PATH includes C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\bin
install C:\Program Files\arduino-1.0.3 (this exact path is important!)
ensure PATH includes C:\Program Files\arduino-1.0.3\hardware\tools\avr\utils\bin
run the following commands:
a list of .hex files will be created in the current directory for all the different devices and with different compile-
time options.
Connecting the RX3S V1
C:\users\<user>\My Documents\Arduino\Libraries\I2Cdev
C:\users\<user>\My Documents\Arduino\Libraries\ITG3200
cd ./Builds
rd /s . (this optional step wipes out all intermediate files)
cmake [-DTODAY=yyyymmdd] -G"MSYS Makefiles" .. (-DTODAY is optional
to override the system date)
make [VERBOSE=1]
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FlightStab Guide