Frame Objects
Limit Objects (Byte, Word, Dword)
Limit Objects have a fixed range and come in three sizes:
• Byte
8 bits
• Word
16 bits
• Dword
32 bits
Limit Objects are handled differently depending on the direction of the transaction:
• Produce/Query Transactions
This object shall not be used for such transactions (value will be undefined)
• Consume/Response Transactions
The gateway will check if the received byte/word/dword fits inside the specified boundaries. If
not, the message will be discarded.
There are 3 types of interval objects:
• Byte
8 bit interval
• Word
16 bit interval
• Dword
32 bit interval
To set the range of the object, select it in the Navigation Section enter the desired range in the Parameter
section as follows:
Maximum Value
This is the largest allowed value for the range.
0x00... 0xFFh
0x0000... 0xFFFFh
0x00000000... 0xFFFFFFFFh (dword)
Value must be larger than the Minimum Value (below)
Minimum Value
This is the smallest allowed value for the range.
0x00... 0xFEh
0x0000... 0xFFFEh
0x00000000... 0xFFFFFFFEh (dword)
Value must be less than the Maximum Value (above)