user list
displays the authorized users and user groups (levels):
User Group
Provides the lowest level of access, which only allows access to the
Live View page.
An operator can view the Live View page, create and modify
events, and adjust certain other settings. Operators have no access
to System Options.
An administrator has unrestricted access to the Setup tools and can
determine the registration of all other users.
• Enable anonymous viewer login: Check the box to use the webcasting features. Refer to
“3.6.2 Video & Image” for more details. Network
The network camera support both IP version 4 and IP version 6. Both versions may be
enabled simultaneously, and at least one version must always be enabled. When using IPv4,
the IP address for the video encoder can be set automatically via DHCP, or a static IP
address can be set manually. If IPv6 is enabled, the video encoders receive an IP address
according to the configuration in the network router. There is also the option of using the
Internet Dynamic DNS Service. For more information on setting the Network, please see
Setup> System>Security>Network.