Sept, 2013
Special Metal Rib
PCB might easily warped due to prolonged hanging on motherboard & casing, potentially causing cracks
on BGA solder joints and resulting in malfunctioning of the card. The HIS special metal rib provides extra
strength to the PCBs to avoid warpage, making the cards extra stable and durable. You can count on HIS
cards to game hard for 24/7/365 for years!
OC Equipment
The card is equipped with improved power design which is great for OC! HIS cards utilize Dynamic Phase
Control PWM IC to save power for better use. Along with improved power design, digital power design,
2 ounces Copper Layer, HIS cards make the best out of power, carrying better OC capability and pushing
clock speeds to the full potential!
Built for Crossfire
The card is armed with 2x Crossfire Connectors and is ready for up to 4-way crossfire
for strengthened performance!
iTurbo – Your Graphics Card’s Assistant
iTurbo is your graphics card’s assistant to control your card to be quiet, cool. Experience overclocking by
simply pressing the iTurbo Button!
User Friendly Overclocking Software: Cooler, Quieter, OC!
iTurbo's Fan Control and Fan Monitoring allow easy adjustment of your card to its
maximum cooling performance or to run your card quietly!
Press iTurbo: OC Right Away!
With the smart auto overclocking function, users can experience a slight
performance boost for selected HIS graphic cards with just one click!