1.2.6 Adjustment of the idle fuel mixture
Screw for idle is adjusted by Göbler Hirthmotoren before delivery of the engine and should
not be twisted. As standard the screw is opened with 1,5 rotations.
For readjusting the screw, tie it clockwise till screw is tight/ fixed (only tie slight against
resistance) then turn off the screw anti-clockwise with 1,5 rotations.
1.2.7 Fixation of plug socket at hanging installation
If engine is installed at hanging position, plug socket(s) should be fixed that way, that drop off
or interruption of contact due to engine vibrations are prevented effectively (based or secured
due to wires or something similar)
1.2.8 Cut off of the ignition system
Single Ignition:
The interrupter of the ignition system has to be lay on ground (e.g. case) due to a switch. With
connection to the ground, the ignition system will be cut off.
Double Ignition:
Both interrupters absolutely have to lay on separate ground switchers. This instruction has to
be fulfilled absolutely, because if both ground cables will be laid together, one ignition circuit
can break down. With connection to the ground, the ignition system will be cut off.
1.3 Supervising the engine
It is strongly recommended to check the cylinder head temperature, exhaust gas temperature,
and the fuel pressure.
The fundamental adjustment
of the engine guarantees a function without problems under the
provided mounting conditions. As Göbler Hirthmotoren does not inspect the building in of the
engine, there could be given bad external conditions (cooling air supply to low deep mounted
tank at climb/ go down/ up-hill/ down-hill), therefore it is essential for a secured engine
running to check the cylinder head-, exhaust gas temperature and the fuel pressure.
Due to improper mountings or changes at the engine without checking the cylinder head and
exhaust gas temperature, the claim of guarantee or each warranty is expired. The maximum
temperatures, stated by Göbler Hirthmotoren KG, are not allowed to exceed.
The equipment mentioned in table 1.3-1 can be ordered from Göbler Hirthmotoren KG.
Table 1.3-1
EGT-/CHT-Temperature-measurement spark plug 14 mm
EGT-/CHT-Temperature-measurement spark plug 10 mm
Fuel pressure measurement
Stand: 02.02.05