Part n° 890-00487 rev.00
Evolution Bird Scale Controller
5.1 First Installation
These are the basic steps to start up your bird scale controller:
1- Connect the control according to the wiring diagram enclosed with this
2- Power up the controller.
3- Set the time and date (sec. 5.2).
4- Enter the installer password to access the installation menu (sec. 5.7.1).
5- Enter the number of scales connected to the controller (sec. 5.7.2).
6- Define weight groups (sec. 5.7.3).
7- Define the weighing schedule (sec. 5.5).
8- Calibrate the scales (sec. 5.7.4).
9- Enable each scale separately (sec. 5.6)
10- Start the new flock (sec. 5.4). Starting a flock clears the histories of
the previous flock. Perform this step separately for each scale.