3) Add to clipboard: (P) "Enter-P". Append selected text to the clipboard.
4) Select All: (A) "Enter-A". Select all the text on the current page.
9.1.3 The Go To Menu
1) Go To Home page: (S) "Backspace-H". Return to your home page.
2) Go To Previous Page: (P) "Backspace-P". Go to the page you were viewing
before the current one.
3) Go To Next Page: (N) "Backspace-N". Move forward one page in your viewing
4) Go To Previous Heading: (U) "Backspace-B". Move back one heading.
5) Go To Next Heading: (D) "Backspace-F". Move forward one heading.
6) Go to Previous Text: (B) "Dots-2-4-6". Go to the block of text before your current
7) Go To Next Text: (P) "Dots-1-2-4-5-6". Go to the next block of text below your
current position.
8) Refresh: (R) "Enter-R". Reload the current page.
9) History: (H) "Enter-H". Open a list of pages you have recently viewed.
10) Find: (F) "Space-F". Find text on the current page.
11) Find Again: (E) "Enter-F". Search for the next instance of the text string you
entered in the "Find" dialog.
12) Links List: (I) "Backspace-I". Displays all the links on a page in a list view.