Thermal & Optical Bi-spectrum Network Camera
When the temperature of target exceeds the pre-alarm or alarm threshold, it triggers the pre-
alarm or alarm output of the connected device.
Area's Temperature Comparison
Select two areas and set the comparison rule, and set the temperature difference threshold.
The device alarms when the temperature difference meets the setting value.
5. You can shield certain area from being detected. Refer to Set Shielded Region for detailed
6. Click Save.
Click Live View, and select thermal channel to view the temperature and rules information on
live view.
3.3.5 Point Thermography
Configure the temperature measurement rule and click any point in live view to monitor the
1. Click in the live view and a cross cursor showed on the interface.
2. Drag the cross cursor to desired position.
Go to Live View interface to view the temperature and rule of the point in thermal channel.
3.3.6 Line Thermography
Configure the temperature measurement rule and monitor the maximum temperature of the line.
1. Click and drag the mouse to draw a line in the live view interface.
2. Click and move the line to adjust the position.
3. Click and drag the ends of the line to adjust the length.
Go to Live View interface to view the maximum temperature and rule of the line in thermal
3.3.7 Area Thermography
Configure the temperature measurement rule and monitor the maximum temperature of the
1. Click and drag the mouse in the liveview to draw the area and right click to finish drawing.
2. Click and move the area to adjust the position.
3. Drag the corners of the area to adjust the size and shape.
Go to Live View interface to view the maximum temperature and rule of the area in thermal