Web RAID Management Interface
1 Web RAID Management Interface
There are two methods to access the RocketRAID 3522’s web-based RAID management
interface: Use HighPoint In-band Management Service or use the adapter’s Ethernet
port (out-of-band management).
The Web RAID Management interface is a firmware-based utility. If you are using the
adapter’s Ethernet port, you need no additional software and configuration on the host
system. You can access the web interface once you have setup the adapter’s network
You can also access the web interface through the in-band management software. The
in-band management software acts as a proxy between the web browser and the firmware.
The in-band management software can also provide remote RAID management through
the host system’s network interface.
Installing the HighPoint In-band Management software.
For Windows:
Run setup.exe from the in-band management software folder on the software CD.
For Linux:
The in-band management software is distributed as a RPM package. You can
install it by “rpm –i” command.
For FreeBSD:
You can install the in-band management software by “pkg_add” command.
For more information about in-band management software, please check the README
file in the in-band management software package.
Starting the Management Interface
Note: To use the web-based RAID management interface, a web browser with XML
support is required, e.g. Internet Explorer 6.0+, Mozilla, FireFox, or Safari (for OSX
To run the management interface, start the web browser and enter the access URL.
If you are using the adapter’s Ethernet port, please enter
If you are using in-band management software, please enter
Where host-address is the host name or IP address of the host system. Specifically, if
you are running the browser on the host system, you can use