4 - Updating the Firmware
Firmware updates are released periodically, and posted on our website for download.
There are several ways to update the HPTIOP firmware.
For Windows based operating systems:
Download the desired Firmware/BIOS update from the Support section
provided for the HPTIOP adapter. Extract the download to the directory of
your choice.
Open a DOS prompt window, and browse to this directory.
Run the flashhelf-win.exe utility:
flashelf-win xxx.xxx
Note: xxx.xxx = the name of the Firmare image file (type it exactly as it appears).
The utility will notify you when the card has been successfully updated. You can
now close the DOS prompt window.
For other operating systems:
In order to update the firmware, the system must be booted into DOS mode, using a
DOS-boot diskette or CD image.
Copy the flashelf.exe and the bios image file to the bootable floppy diskette
(you may need to use a different floppy depending upon how much space is
available on the boot diskette - this can vary).
If you are booting from a CD image, you will need to add these files to the
Insert the boot image media into the appropriate drive, and boot the system.
3) Once the A:\> prompt has appeared, insert the media that contains the
required Firmare files, and type the following command:
flashelf xxx.xxx
Then, press ENTER.
Note: xxx.xxx = the name of the Firmware image file (type it exactly as it
The utility will notify you when the card has been successfully updated.
Once complete, the system can be rebooted.
RocketRAID 3xxx BIOS Utility