Hardware – Description and Installation
Note: Many server-level chassis include hard-disk hot-swap bays. For these
system chassis, cables are attached to the chassis backplane, rather than
directly to each individual hard disk. Consult the chassis’s manual for proper
installation procedure.
Close and secure the system chassis.
RocketRAID 2684
Note: Make sure the system is powered-off before installing the RocketRAID host
The RocketRAID 2684 includes both standard and low-profile brackets. It may be
necessary to attach the low-profile bracket in place of the standard bracket, depend-
ing upon the chassis design.
1. Open the system chassis and locate an unused PCI-Express x4.
2. Remove the PCI slot/bracket cover.
3. Gently insert the RocketRAID card into the PCI-Express slot, and secure the
bracket to the system chassis (illustration shows RocketRAID 2684).