High Tech Pet Products, Inc.
STEP 2: Assemble the Required Tools
Here is the list of tools you will need.
1. Straight edge spade or power edger
2. Wire cutter/stripper
3. Power drill with 1/8” drill bit
4. Phillips screwdriver or Phillips driver bit for your drill
STEP 3: Set Up the Base Station Transmitter
Indoor mounting of the TX-1 Base Station Transmitter is preferred.
However, if your layout prohibits indoor mounting, it is acceptable to
mount the TX-1 outdoors. Although the casing is water-sealed, you
should still choose a location that is not directly exposed to rain, wind
and other adverse weather.
A. Separate Mounting Base From Electronics Console.
B: Mount the Mounting Base to Your Wall.
C: Install Optional Rechargeable Battery if Desired.
D. Reassemble Mounting Base and Electronics Console
by Pushing the Two Pieces Together Firmly.