6. Maintenance
6-1. Daily Maintenance
6-2. Periodic Maintenance
. Water rinse
Rinse once for each few days or after 3 time's using steam bathing, depends on different
1. Remove the Auto-draining system from the Steam Generator, and set up a ball valve to the
Steam Generator. (Refer to the Figure 6)
2. Disconnect the electricity power.
3. Turn on the rinse valve and water supply valve.
4. Connect the electricity power.
5. Rinse for 10 minutes.
6. Switch off the electricity power, close the water supply valve and the rinse valve.
.Citric acid cleansing
1. Mix 50-80 grams of citric acid with one liter water.
2. Remove the Auto-draining system from the Steam Generator.
3. Put the steamer upside down with the pipe up, then inject the blend citric acid into the steam
tank through a funnel, as figure 5 showed.
4. Set up the ball valve and turn it off, then put the steam on a flat ground for motionless for 20
minutes. As figure 6.
5. After 20 minutes, turn on the ball valve and let the citric acid flowing out.
6. Open the water supply valve.
7. Connect the electricity power.
8. Rinse for 5 minutes.
9. Switch off the electricity power, shut off the water supply valve and the rinse valve.
During daily operation, the auto-draining system will let the water flush the water tank for 1 minute
each time when machine stops working.
Regular checking is requested to avoid the leakage or parts damage for the steam head, pressure
relief valve, accessories, connections of hermetic parts.
Clean the steam generator regularly according user’s water quality and using frequency:
Citric acid
water outlet
Figure 5
Figure 6: Remove the Auto-
draining system and then set
up a ball valve.
water inlet
water outlet