This is for settings delay time of alarming. Here has
“Yes” & “No” for your selection.The delay duration time please refer to what
you have prest in the menu
Entry delay
“▲▼” to choose “Yes” or „No” to setup entry delay or without entry delay.
“ESC” to exit from the programming status after finish settings.
Set Smart Zone
Zone Numner
ENT + Zone press
” button to delete old X X + ENT
→ “X X”, zone number, 2 digits.
Smart Sensor ON
This is for open and close the intelligent door/window sensor function.
ENT + Smart Sensor ON, press
“▲▼” to choose YES or NO.
”Yes” for open, “NO” for closed.
Smart SensorON
This is for open and close the status of the zone( no need to set for wired zones).
ENT + Smart SensorON, press
“▲▼” to choose YES or NO.
”Yes” for open, “NO” for closed.
Zone Indicator
This is for setting if the zone needs sound indication while disarmed status.
ENT + Smart SensorON, press
“▲▼” to choose YES or NO.
”Yes” for open, “NO” for closed.
Program Sensor
This setting is for adding or deleting Sensors in the above mentioned Zones(Includes Zone 00, 01).
ENT + Zone press
” button to delete old X X + ENT
→ “X X”, zone number, 2 digits. Refer to Table 3.
ENT + Group press
” button to delete old X X + ENT
→ “X X”,group number , 2 digits.
This Group Number is for Sensors
‟ numbers, each zone can be connected up to 4 sensors, the Group Number is from 00 to 03.
“00” means Sensor 1, “01” means Sensor 2, “02” means Sensor 3, “03” means Sensor
ENT + press
“▲▼” to choose “ActivateSensor” or “Delete Sensor”
If choose Activate Sensor
This means adding Sensors to this host. Operations:
Get a sensor learning to the host, the word
“learning” will show on the LCD Screen, if have been learned, the word “success”
will show on the LCD Screen.
Note: If a word
“update?” shows on the screen, which means this sensor has been added before, you may choose
“Yes” or “No” to decide going on programming or not for this sensor.
If choose Delete Sensor,
This means deleting the added sensors from the host. Operations:
Get into the
Program Sensor
menu, choose Zone Number and Group Number you desire to delete, press
“▲▼” to choose
Delete Sensor
press ENT, the host will give a long beep sound. Then the words
“Deleting Sensors Success” will show on the
LCD Screen, which means you have deleted the sensors successfully.
Wireless Code
ENT + press
” button to delete old X XXX + ENT
→ “XXXXX”, range of code , 5 digits. Default setting before
shipment is at random.
Alarm History
ENT + Alarm History, press
“▲▼” to review.
Status History
ENT + Status History, press
“▲▼” to review.
“ESC” to exit from the programming status after finish settings
3. How to Revise Master code
This setting is for changing the
“Enter Code” of the host. (The defaulted “Enter Code” is “888888”. )
SET + ENT + Enter New Code + Input 6-digit new code + ENT + Re-Enter Code
The host panel will be back to the standby
mode after successful programming.
Note: If input the codes 3 times by mistake, the host will be back to the standby mode automatically.
4. How to operate the Alarm Host?
Keep pressing the
“record button” on the back of the alarm host and speak close to the speaker of host. Then release, the
voice recorded.
2. Play
Keep pressing the
“play button” on the back of the alarm host and you will hear the previous record.
3. Arm
BY wireless remote
press the corresponding arm button and the host will beep once to successfully complete the operation
By Host panel(Keypad):
0 + master code + ENT
+ “▲▼” + ENT
→ “▲▼” to choose “armed home” or “armed away”
4. Disarm: By wireless remote: press the corresponding disarm button and the host will beep twice to successfully complete the