3. Connection from P822 controller to port 2 of I/O module A on the top disk enclosure in Group 1
4. P822 controller
5. Connection from P822 controller to port 2 of I/O module A on the top disk enclosure in Group 2
6. Connections between the disk enclosures in Group 2
7. Connections between the disk enclosures in Group 1
An alternate way of connecting the D2000 disk enclosures to the P822 controller is to have 4 groups of 2
disk enclosures each. This cabling option provides better fault tolerance because the worst case scenario
(besides a controller failure) is losing access to two disk enclosures if one disk enclosure goes down. In
the following diagram, the worst case scenario is losing access to all four disk enclosures in a group if
one disk enclosure goes down.
Setup and install