7 Sensor Maintenance
Store the device in a dry, well ventilated environment. The ambient temperature should be between -40
C and +85
C, and the humidity below 85%.
Please check the specifications page in this user manual for product IP rating, and avoid any ingress beyond that rating.
Package the device in shock-proof materials to avoid damage during transport.
If the device
s enclosure is stained with dirt, fingerprints, or oil, perform the follow cleaning steps.
1) Spray the LiDAR enclosure with warm, neutral solvent using a spray bottle
Solvent type
99% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or 99% ethanol (absolute alcohol)
Solvent temperature
40 to 60
2) After the stains on the LiDAR enclosure loosen, gently wipe the enclosure along its curved surface with a piece of soft microfiber cloth
3) Should another cleaning agent be applied to remove certain stains, repeat Step 1 afterwards
4) Spray the enclosure with clean water, and gently wipe off the remaining liquid with another piece of soft microfiber cloth