HESA HE400 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


(cod. HE400)


The HE400 is a mi crowave barrier sy stem for external
protection that re quires a simple and fast assembly.
The maximum distance of the beam betwe 

en a

transmitter and a re ceiver is 200 meters. The HE400
bar rier fea tu res four field se lec tab le mo du la tion fre-
quencies to al low the in stallation of bar riers within clo -
se proximity and to re duce the pos sibility of cross link
mo du la tion or mu tual in ter fe ren ce.
The HE400 barriers re quires a low cur rent absorption
(40mA RX, 38mA TX) thus al lowing au tonomy for a
long period of time with the use of the in ternal 12 Vcc
– 2,1Ah bat tery (in each TX and RX units) in case of
mains power failure. This bat tery gi ves an autonomy
of over 36 hours.

De scrip tion

Each mo 

del HE400 consist of one mo 

del HE400T

transmitter and one model HE400R re ceiver, each sup -
plied with universal mounting bracket for pole mod.
HE401 (dia meter mm 70- 100).
In or der to sa ti sfy more spe ci fic in stal la tion re qui re -
ments, the fol lowing accessories for HE400 are avai-
lable as op tion:

Part number Model

De scri ption



Ho ri zon tal wall mo un ting 
brac ket



Pole mo un ting brac ket for
dia me ter 70- 110 mm



Tran sfor mer for powe 


one HE400T or HE400R:
230Vac/19 Vac, 30 VA



Out do or con 

tai ner for

HE405 tran sformer. For pole
mounting use HE403 bracket



Test in strument for HE400

HE19- 12


12V 2,1 Ah backup battery
for HE400T and HE400R.

Prin ci ples of op era tion

The transmit ter ra dia tes am pli tu de mo du la ted X- band
energy to the re ceiver where the re ceived energy is
amplified and pro cessed so that it cau ses an alarm re -
lay to be energized. When an in truder ap proaches
the beam, the energy de tected by the re ceiver causes,

if the predetermined le vel is re ached, the re lay to be 

de- e ner gi zed and the re fo re an alarm. Ope ra tion of
model HE400 is il lustrated in Fi gure 1. A sing le mo del
HE400 may co ver a di stance up to 200m.
The Re cei ver in cor po ra tes an au to ma tic gain con trol
circuit (AGC) that ade quates the signal to the di stance
nee ded to be co ve red. Furt her mo re the re are pha sed
locked loop circuits (PLL) to de tect the si gnal radiated
within a spe cified frequency band.
Anot her pos si bi li ty is the pos si bi li ty to syn chro nize the
transmitters: in case two or more TX units have to be in-
stalled on two or more pa rallel le vels in the same di -
rection, a connector is avai lable in or der to syn chro-
nize the start of the si gnals radiated to the different re -
cei vers.

Alignment and con trol

In or der to perform a good alignment it is necessary
only a standard volt meter. On both the receiver and
the transmitter it is available the J2 connector (10 PIN
header) for con trolling all the si gnal and the power
supply le 

vels. We sug 

gest the use of the op 


TS400 Test In strument Interface that has on board a
connector, 3 LEDs and buz zer and the con nection cab -
le for the J2 header. This in terface sim plifies the con-
nection of the voltmeter to the barrier. You can even
con nect a oscil lo sco pe in or der to de ter mi ne the le vel
of the received si gnal.
On the Re ceiver and the Transmitters boards there are
also 5 LEDs that show the sta tus of the alarm re lay, the
presence of the power sup ply, the cor rect oscillator
operation and the use of the correct channel between
the TX and the RX.

Model HE400 mi cro wa ve barrier

DT01142 - Page 1

Fig. 1 - Detection pattern



Содержание HE400

Страница 1: ...ssed so that it causes an alarm re lay to be energized When an intruder approaches the beam the energy detected by the receiver causes if the predetermined level is reached the relay to be de energize...

Страница 2: ...overlapping of two barriers that are crossing or that are installed in parallel Plea se note that the uncovered area increases by decrea sing the sensitivity see Figure 4 Typically the height should b...

Страница 3: ...Model HE400 microwave barrier DT01142 Page 3 DOCUMENTAZIONE TECNICA TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION Fig 4 Installation height of devices Fig 3 Attention to dead zones...

Страница 4: ...r parking guards may be used to protect equipment from damage from vehicles see Figure 7 Best security Choose the location that will provide best security yet be free from nuisance alarms Al ways loca...

Страница 5: ...tput N C for protection against unauthorized openings movements or tampe ring In normal conditions there is a NC circuit 0 ohm voltage free The opening of the contact is determined by a movement of th...

Страница 6: ...t of the trasformer PT0 PT1 tamper circuit output N C for protection against unauthorized openings movements or tampe ring In normal conditions there is a NC circuit 0 ohm voltage free The opening of...

Страница 7: ...X speed detection turn clockwise to lower this parameter and on the op posite for increasing it see on the printed circuit for re ference signals PT5 Trimmer for adjusting the RX sensitivity turn cloc...

Страница 8: ...lowing statement will be provided with the equipent as required by Article 6 3 of the R TTE Directive 199 05 EC HE400T is in conformity with all essential requirements of the R TTE Directive 1999 05 E...
