The Master Controller requires two connections:
– 24VDC power from the external 240VAC plug-pack/transformer;
– this cable carries the 24VDC electrical impulse/time signal to the clocks. A short
length is included with the unit, and your existing clock circuit can be connected to the terminals on
this cable. Alternatively, you may wish to open the unit up and connect your existing wires directly
to the terminals for a cleaner look.
Once the unit is mounted, and the clock cable is connected, plug in the master controller and power it
up. The main screen will display the time and date on the top row, and the status of the three output
lines (L1, L2, L3). We are only using L1, so L2 and L3 have been set to “inactive”. Out of the box, L1
should also be in the “stop” condition.
The time and date should be correct, but if you need to change them, please refer to the full Operation
Manual for details.
All we have to do now is turn on L1 and the Telnu clocks will automatically set themselves to the correct