KD-MSCAT8X8 Operating Instructions
Page 7
Hercules Expansion: Theory of Operation
At the time of this manual printing, the Hercules series KD-MSCAT8X8 Matrix Switcher is
expandable to as many as 40 configurable outputs in a block of 5 base units. This expansion
feature is factory installed and shipped to the consumer as a pre-wired and pre-tested combination
of two to five KD-MSCAT8X8 Matrix Switchers. The expansion packages are comprised of multiple
KD-MSCAT8X8 units ganged together. In the expansion configurations, the individual units are
connected by means of Expansion Slots via High-speed coax expansion cable.
Expansion can be done in the field as well by connecting additional units via High-speed coax
expansion cable and assigning proper numbers via Menu selections.
Typical Hercules KD-MSCAT8X8 Expansion Application Example
for a KD-MSCAT8X8-32X32:
Four (4) KD-MSCAT8X8 base units configured from the factory to provide
32x32 HDTV Matrix Switching
TCP/IP control
The KD-MSCAT8X8 HDTV Switcher can also be remotely controlled via TCP/IP protocol.
Static IP address and IP Mask updatable via Menu Control Setup function.
Default setting for the IP address is
Default setting for the IP Mask is
Fixed port setting is 23.
Full set of RS232 commands is available via TCP/IP protocol.
X Matrix Switching