Thank you for choosing this versatile and high quality Hendi Cream
Whipper. With this universal kitchen tool you can create a multitude
of light desserts, creams, sweet and sour mousses as well as sauc-
es. Some kinds of liquid ingredients, such as juices, coffee, choco-
late-syrup, vanilla cream, yoghurt, etc. can be used in Hendi Cream
Whipper, but only if they contain no insoluble substances!
For guaranteed quality, please use Hendi cream chargers only. Please
read the instructions thoroughly before using the first time!
User Instructions
(see illustrations on page 2)
1. When using your whipper for the first time, or if you have not used
it for a while, rinse the bottle first with lukewarm water, then with
cold water before filling it with cream.
2. Fill with well chilled fresh cream or well mixed and strained liq-
uid ingredients (fig. 1). Never exceed the maximum filling quantity
engraved on the outside of the bottle (maximum one pint/0.5 lit-
er for 0.5 L bottle or maximum one quart/1 liter for 1.0 L bottle).
If you want to sweeten your cream, we recommend using sugar
syrup. If using sugar or cream stiffener, stir and dissolve it first
completely into a little cream to avoid the formation of lumps.
3. Ensure that the head gasket is positioned correctly and firmly in the
head (fig. 1). Then place the head on the bottle and screw closed as
follows: Turn the head clockwise until you feel resistance, then turn
a further quarter of a turn. Do not cross-thread! (fig. 2)
4. Insert the silver-coloured Hendi cream charger (N
O) into the
charger holder as illustrated (fig. 1).
5. Screw the charger holder and charger on to the inlet valve until
gas is released into the bottle with a hissing sound (fig. 3). Use
1 charger per filling (2 chargers with 1 quart/liter bottle). Shake
the whipper briskly 4~5 times in a vertical direction. When using
well cooled light cream or other mixtures, shake up to ten times.
Unscrew the charger holder and charger (fig. 4). The slight hissing
sound while unscrewing is normal. Remove and discard the used
charger. Hendi chargers are made from high grade steel and can
be recycled.
6. To dispense the content, hold the whipper vertically (decorat-
ing nozzle pointing downward) about 1 cm above the surface.
Then press the lever lightly (fig. 4). If whipped cream is not firm
enough, shake once more. When using later, do not shake again.
Keep filled cream whipper in the refrigerator but never in the
deep-freezing compartment or in the freezer. Before placing the
whipper in the refrigerator, remove the decorating nozzle from the
nozzle adaptor, rinse with lukewarm water and replace. The con-
tent will stay fresh for several days in the refrigerator.
Important Directions
Mind the following important points:
1. To get a better result, please cool the whipper well under cold wa-
ter or in the refrigerator before filling.
2. Only use soluble ingredients. For sweetening, it is best to use sugar
syrup or liquid sweeteners. Granulated sugar or salt should first be
dissolved in cool water or cream. Use powderized or liquid spices
only. Insoluble substances such as seeds, pulp, etc. prevent the
closure of the dispensing piston or might impair the proper func-
tioning of the whipper. If you use blended mixtures, please use a
fine strainer to remove seeds or pulp.
3. The Hendi Cream Whipper is well suited for the preparation of cold
mousses, (hot) sauces or Espumas.
4. Excessive shaking may stiffen pure cream to a degree that it looses
its soft texture, therefore please do not over shake! Do not shake
every time before dispensing. Please shake recipes consisting of
mixtures of cream and other liquids well and more frequently.
5. When dispensing, always hold the whipper upside down (deco-
rating nozzle pointing downward), otherwise gas will escape and
some cream may remain inside the whipper.
6. For best result, serve immediately upon dispensing.