96 kHz sampling rate
The HELIX DSP MINI MK2 allows to handle all
signals with the doubled sampling rate of 96 kHz.
Thus the audio bandwidth is no long er limited to
usual values like 22 kHz but allows an extended
frequency response to more than 40 kHz. Doubling
the sampling rate requires significantly higher DSP
power as the number of possible arithmetic opera-
tions is halved. Only the implementation of the lat-
est DSP chip generation allows raising the sampling
rate to 96 kHz and adding new features at the same
ACO – Advanced 32 Bit CoProcessor
The HELIX DSP MINI MK2 incorporates an extraor-
dinary powerful 32 Bit CoProcessor of the latest
generation for all monitoring and communication
tasks, both internally and externally. In opposite to
the 8 Bit predecessor generation this MCU achieves
way higher speeds with respect to setup switching
and data communication with our DSP PC-Tool
software. A further significant advantage is the in
tegrated, native boot loader of the CoProcessor. It
allows software upgrades of all components of the
DSP in order to adjust the microcontroller-controlled
ADEP.3 circuit for example at future modifications /
changes in the diagnostic system of factory radios
or if the device will be extended with additional inter-
faces. In addition, thanks to the new flash memory,
the ACO offers 10 memory locations for sound set
ups instead of the common two.
Smart highlevel input ADEP.3
Modern, factory-installed car radios incorporate so-
phisticated possibilities of diagnosing the connect-
ed speakers. In particular the latest generation of
car radios are equipped with additional monitoring
functions so that failure messages and loss of spe-
cific features (e.g. fader function) quite often appear
if a signal processor will be hooked up – but not with
The new ADEP.3 circuit (Advanced Diagnostics
Error Protection, 3rd Generation) avoids all these
problems without loading the speaker outputs of the
OE radio during high volumes unnecessarily.
Start-Stop capability
The switched power supply of the HELIX
DSP MINI MK2 assures a constant internal supply
voltage even if the battery’s voltage drops to 6 Volts
during engine crank.
Power Save Mode
The Power Save Mode is incorporated in the basic
setup. It allows to significantly reduce the power
consumption of the amplifiers that are connected
to the HELIX DSP MINI MK2 once there’s no input
signal present for more than 60 seconds. Please
note that in many up-to-date cars with “CAN” or
any other internal bus structures it may happen that
the radio remains “invisibly” turned on for up to 45
min. even after locking and leaving the car! Once
the “Power Save Mode“ is active the remote out-
put and therefore the connected amplifiers will be
turned off. The HELIX DSP MINI MK2 will reactivate
the remote output within a second if a music signal
is applied. It is possible to either modify the turn-off
time of 60 sec. or completely deactivate the “Power
Save Mode” via the DSP PC-Tool software.
Automatic Digital Signal Detection
The HELIX DSP MINI MK2 allows signal-controlled
switching between the analog inputs and the digi-
tal input. As soon as an input signal is detected on
Optical Input
, the signal processor automatically
switches to this input. This feature can be deacti-
vated in the DSP PC-Tool software. Alternatively
you can use an optional remote control for manual
switching between analog and digital inputs.
Unique Features of the HELIX DSP MINI MK2