General Care:
• Always use clean, dry cloth or soft bristle brush to clean your equipment
• Never use chemical cleansers to avoid damage to the sensitive electronics and plastics
We want you to enjoy your product to its fullest potential. For this to happen it is important to keep your
product clean and properly maintained. Lack of cleaning and maintenance can cause component failure. For
best and continued performance from your product it is recommended to briefly inspect your product for
damage every few runs. Typically, a good time to do this is when changing the battery or while it is charging.
If a problem is discovered, stop use immediately and seek repairs. Continued use of failed components can
cause more unnecessary damage to your product. Always remember to use genuine replacement parts from
your local HobbyTown USA® dealer. Below is a list of items for inspection. Inspection should not be limited to
this list; if you notice any problem, listed or not, it is recommended to give it proper attention
1. Electronics: The electronics included in your vehicle are not waterproof. It is critical that they be kept
away from moisture and that any moisture noticed on or around them be immediately cleaned up
a. Antenna: To achieve full operating range with your radio system, it is critical that the receiver
antenna be installed properly and undamaged
i. Inspect any exposed antenna for cuts or abrasions
ii. Ensure there are no kinks in the antenna or antenna tube
iii. Never fold the end of the antenna over the tube, this will reduce the range and damage the
2. Gears: Periodically remove the gear cover to inspect the gears and ensure there is no debris in the gear
a. Proper gear mesh setting is crucial for proper operation and life of gears in your product. It is
important to have the pinion gear (attached to motor) as close to the spur gear (attached to drive
shaft) as possible yet while providing a minimal amount of backlash. Backlash is the rotation one
gear has to make before contacting the other. Having the gear mesh set too tight will cause excess
load on the electrical components and may cause premature failure. Having gear mesh set too
loose will cause excess wear and possible skipping of teeth during operation thus causing excess
wear and premature failure
b. Checking the gear mesh
i. Remove the spur gear cover
ii. Press downward on the top deck close to the spur gear to hold in place
iii. Check how much movement is allowed of the spur gear before the pinion gear moves (this is
purely by feel, not visual)
iv. If the spur gear is allowed to move more than a very small amount, or if it there is no back-
lash, the gear mesh must be adjusted
v. Setting the gear mesh
01). Loosen the two screws on the bottom of the chassis the hold the motor in place
02). Slide motor all the way to the spur gear, so there is no backlash
03). Move back slightly and hold the motor snugly in position while retightening the bot-
tom screws
04). Re-check the gear mesh and adjust again if necessary
vi. Re-install the spur gear cover
WARNING: Never operate your vehicle with the spur gear cover removed. Severe injury, damage to electri-
cal components, and excessive wear and tear on drivetrain may result.