Heinrichs Messtechnik GmbH
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Vibration stability
The sensors are insensitive to vibration; vibration stability has been validated in accordance with
DIN IEC 68-2-6, for up to 1 g at 10 to 150 Hz.
If pipe vibration is greater than 1 g in the 5-2000 Hz range, additional supports shall be mounted such as
depicted in the following images. Such supports will prevent vibration from affecting the device’s mechanical
configuration and/or measurement readings. The following drawings depict a recommended means of
installation for sensors up to a nominal size of approx. DN 040 (2”).
Image 1: Wallmounted supports
Image 2: Floor-mounted supports
Process conditions
Process temperature
− 40 °C to 220 °C (260 °C for short periods of time) / - 40 °F to 428 °F (500 °F for short periods of time).
Rating plate inscription applies.
Physical state
Liquid product
(maximum density 2 kg/l)
Gaseous product
(minimum density 0.002 kg/l in operating state)
0.3 up to 50,000 mPas (0.3 to 50,000 cP)
Gas content
The use of products containing gases is not permitted for custody transfer operations. In other applications, the
presence of gas will increase false readings. For the readings of products containing gas to be valid, small gas
bubbles must be homogeneously distributed in the fluid.
Large gas bubbles will automatically provoke extremely false readings and will shift the zero point. Thus, the
extent to which readings are false is determined by the process conditions. A rule of thumb in this regard is as
follows: A 1 % gas component will increase false readings by 1 %. The gas component is not to exceed 5 %.