Step 2:
Click after CH1/IPCAM1, then select 2 to set IPCAM1 as a repeater. This means
CH2/IPCAM2 is connected to the NVR through CH1/IPCAM1.
Step 3:
Click Apply
to finish the cascading connection. To check if it’s set successfully, please
click Refresh. To delete the Repeater, left click on the selected channel, then click Apply
and OK.
This NVR system supports up to 8 cameras at most, please contact our HeimVision
service team to get the purchase link. If you want to add/delete cameras, please follow
the steps below:
Add Cameras
Step 1:
Plug the power adapter into the new camera and socket;
Step 2:
Plug the Ethernet cable into the NVR system and the camera;