• Before changing a safey glass or a Pyrex® cover - always disconnect the Hedler light unit from the power
supply and let cool down the light unit completely.
• Before changing a bulb and/or fuse - always disconnect the Hedler light unit from the power supply and let
cool down the light unit completely.
• For replacing a safety glass or Pyrex® cover - use the intended original Hedler spare parts only.
• For replacing a bulb and/or fuse(s) - use the intended original Hedler spare parts only.
• Never use a „repaired“ fuse.
• Changing/replacing a flash bulb of a Hedler light unit is not allowed to be done by a customer. Changing/repla-
cing of a flash bulb has to be done by Hedler Systemlicht GmbH only.
Additional safety instructions and explanation for symbols
• Hedler light units produce a very intensive and bright beam of light: never look directly into the bulb and/or
flash bulb. while it is in operation. Never light or flash directly into the eye(s) of a human or an animal, this can
cause permanent damage to the eye(s) or health threat(s) (like sunburn).
• Please note, dazzle / glare caused by continuous light unit(s) or flash light unit(s) can cause an immediate (part-
ly and/or temporarily) loss of vision - this can lead to accident(s) (traffic, stairs, and so forth).
• Before (inter-)changing accessories, light modifier(s) or bulb(s) - switch off the light unit(s) and let it cool
down completely.
• Some Hedler light units and/or Hedler reflectors, parts of softboxes and reflex umbrellas and some accesso-
ries can heat up extremely while in operation: there is a serious risk of burning. Never touch these parts while
they are in operation. (Please, use heatresistant and heatprotecting gloves to avoid burning!).
• Please let cool down Hedler light units and/or Hedler reflectors, parts of softboxes and reflex umbrellas and
some accessories completely after using them and before packing them away: not doing so can cause serious
burnig and/or the risk of sparking.
• Not used as intended and/or in the case of inappropriate use of Hedler light units and/or Hedler reflectors,
parts of softboxes and reflex umbrellas and accessories there is the serious risk of a (deadly) electrical shock.
• Hedler light units, Hedler reflectors, softboxes, reflex umbrellas and/or Hedler accessories are no toys, they
are unsuitable for use by children. Always keep Hedler light units, Hedler reflectors, softboxes, reflex umbrel-
las and/or Hedler accessories out of the reach of children.
Explanation for symbols:
Minimum Heat Volt / Watt / Min. load Warning CE Bin
distance °C / °F Voltage Demand capacity Voltage WEEE
For a secure operation of light units they have to be maintained. Therefore: before using light units they have to
be checked visually and an electrical safety check has to be done every twelve month. The results of this check
have to be documented and archived.
Liability limitation
For all injuiries and/or damages to people and/or objects, which are caused by using Hedler products in a way that
the are not intended for the user is liable - not the manufacturer.
If you do have a question to set up and/or to operate Hedler light units, Hedler reflectors, softboxes, reflex
umbrellas and/or Hedler accessory, please ask at Hedler Systemlicht GmbH directly or at the Hedler authorized
photographic specialised dealer (a list with this dealers you will find on our website www.hedler.com).
H E D L E R S y s t e m l i c h t G m b H H e e r s t r a s s e 1 1 2 D - 6 5 5 9 4 R u n k e l / L a h n w w w . h e d l e r . c o m
T e l e f o n + 4 9 - ( 0 ) 6 4 8 2 9 1 8 1 0 0 T e l e f a x + 4 9 - ( 0 ) 6 4 8 2 9 1 8 1 1 1 e M a i l i n f o @ h e d l e r . c o m
Safety instructions
S y s t e m l i c h t
min. kg