Heinz Electrodynamic Designs
HI THere,
and first of all: Many thanks for choosing our Type 05
nearfield studio monitor. We are stoked to have you on
board as a customer. Without any more hestitation we
would like to take you through the basics of this powerful
and ultra-transparent active loudspeaker, that is suitable
for all kinds of audio-related jobs, may it be mixing in ste-
reo or multichannel setups, mastering, producing beats,
recording string quartets, rockbands, or anything that is
related, really …
Let’s assume that you unpacked the monitor carefully and
that you gave a little bit of time to acclimate to the tem-
perature of your room (an hour is safe). Let’s also assume
that you couldn’t wait to connect it to the power socket
(8) and your audio system using the balanced XLR, unbal-
anced RCA, or HEDD Bridge inputs
(1, 6, 7).
Now is the time to confirm the input you used by select-
ing it on the SOURCE Switch
(5) – and to finally press that
power switch on the back panel. There you go!
Note: By the way, do you know that these speakers are
equipped with regulated Universal Mains, working from
(8)? This means that our amps will work at their
full capacity under any voltage condition. Just saying …
Now, there is a lot you can tweak on the back panel to
adapt the speaker to your working environment. First
of all, you have a proper GAIN-Control
(4) that lets you
adjust the overall volume of the speaker in a range from
-30dB to +6dB. You can use this control to adapt the
speaker to your signal chain and to compensate for any
level differences between the speakers, may they be
caused by your listening position, the room acoustics, or
slight variations of the control knob’s tolerance (which is
normal and no malfunction).
Listening to these monitors can be a real joy, but depend-
ing on your room and its acoustical properties, you might
not really feel it. Your room might be very small so that
the speakers are close to a wall or corner (hello, bass-
boost!). You might have to work in a superbright and big
room with hard surfaces such as glass or stone, or the
other way around, in a particularily muffled sounding room
with big curtains and beautiful but thick carpets.
In situations like these, it is difficult to impossible for the
speaker to unfold its rich sound quality. That’s why we
designed two very effective shelving-filters
(2, 3). Here is
how they work:
• the
Low Shelf lets you reshape the bottom end
around 50Hz (± 4dB)
• the
High Shelf helps you to bring back the details
and transparency around 20kHz (± 4dB)
Heinz Electrodynamic Designs