Setting the Comfort Levels
The PRT-R2 has 4 comfort levels for the weekday and
4 for the weekend. This method of control is not to
have on/off times but to allow the occupant to set
varying temperatures throughout the day.
For example;
08.00 - 21 (Wake) 09.30 - 16 (Go to work)
16.30 - 22 (Return home) 23.00 - 17 (Sleep)
If you only want to use 2 levels, you should program
the unused levels to --.--
You are now able to program the first comfort level for
the weekday.
Follow these steps;
• To begin programming the comfort levels, press
once. You will see Mo - Fr displayed.
• Use the Up/Down arrow keys to select the time for
the 1st comfort level for the weekday.
• Press H to accept
• Enter the required temperature for the 1st comfort
• Repeat for comfort levels 2-4.
• You will now see Sa Su on the screen. Repeat for
the comfort levels for the weekend.
PRT-R2 Manual REVISION 1.qxd 18/11/2005 12:27 Page 15