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Heat & Glo  •  CFL-30NG/LP, CFL-30NG/LP-B, CFL-30NG/LP-C  •  526-925  Rev. E  •  9/21


Install Mineral Wool  


Remove the 

mineral wool 

from the packaging and 


dime size pieces on the top of the burner, spaced a dime’s 

width apart.  Care should be taken to avoid placing ember 

material directly over ports and to avoid using excessive 

amounts of ember material.

WARNING! Risk of Explosion! 

Follow ember placement 

instructions. DO NOT place embers directly over burner 

ports. Replace ember material annually. Improperly 

placed embers interfere with proper burner operation.

•  Embers CANNOT be placed directly over ports.  Care 

should be taken not to cover the lighting trail of ports 

(from back to front). 

•  When placing Glowing Embers onto the burner care 

should be taken so that the ports are not covered. Place 

the dime-size ember pieces near the port holes in the 

burner top. Failure to follow this procedure will likely cause 

lighting and sooting problems.

Install Vermiculite

Vermiculite  may  be  used  for  aesthetic  enhancement,  if 

desired.  Sprinkle 

the vermiculite 

on the interior floor of the 

fireplace as shown in the figure below.

  Do not place ver


miculite on burner. Care should be taken to avoid using 

excessive amounts of vermiculite. 


Risk of Explosion or Delayed Ignition! DO 

NOT place vermiculite on burner.

Place Vermiculite
