Installation Manual
3. Solar Collector Sensor
This sensor is to wired to the solar controller and automatically turns on the circulator pump when
the differential set point is reached between the solar water heater and the solar collector.
4. Tank and Heat Exchanger Temperature and Pressure and Gauge.
The Temperature and Pressure Gauge on the solar piping will show the user the actual temperature
and pressure being supply and returned to the solar collector.
5. Check Valve
The Check Valve helps minimize the convective heat loss at night when the system is not operating.
If a check valve is not installed, most of the heated energy stored during the day would be trans-
ferred back up into panel and lost.
6. Collector Array Isolation Valve (Valve #6)
Valve #6 & 11 (for Solar Collector Isolation) to isolate the solar collector loop from the solar water
7. Pressure Relief Valve (for Solar System Isolation)
Will release the pressure in the Solar Loop when it exceeds 150 PSI. If the valve opens and releases
fluids, than it is recommend that you contact your contractor immediately.
8. System Fill Valve (Valve #8)
Used to fill the system with HTF fluid and also eliminate air form the system.
9. Expansion Tank
Pre-charged with air to allow for the expansion as the HTF fluid gets expansion and contraction with
heating and cooling.
10. Drain Valve (Valve #10)
Used to charge the collector loop with glycol, purge air form loop and drain the Solar water heater
heat exchanger of fluid.
11. Collector Array Isolation Valve (for system fill) (Valve #11)
When closed is used to direct the flow of the fluid to pressure the entire Solar system with HTF fluid
and eliminate air from your Solar system.
12 Ball Valve (for circulator) (Valve #12)
Used Isolate the Circulator Pump for service. Close both ball valves to isolate pump.
13. Circulator (Valve #13)
Circulates the HTF fluid form the Solar Collector into the Super Stor Solar Exchanger.
14. Drain Valve (Tank) (Valve #14)
Used to flush sediment which may accumulate on the bottom of the Super Stor Solar Water Heater
and also provide a means of draining the tank.
15. Tank Sensor
The Tank Sensor is wired to the solar controller to measure the temperature on the bottom of the
SuperStor Solar Water Heater in conjunction with the solar collector sensor which will turn the cir-
culating pump on and off at the solar control preset temperature differentials.
16. Solar Controller
The solar controller, turns on or off circulator depending on the heat gained from the solar opera-
tion. The controller will also limit over heating in the SuperStor Solar Water Heater. Some controllers