Step 3
Installing the
Vent System
A. Vent System Approvals
This model is approved for 4”/6 5/8” SL D-Series
vent pipe components and terminations. Approved
vent systems components are are labeled for
identification. NO OTHER VENT SYSTEMS OR
COMPONENTS MAY BE USED. Detailed installation
instructions are inclued with each vent termination
kit and should be used in conjuction with this manual.
A minimum 3 foot length of straight vent
pipe MUST be attached to the unit’s
starting collars for all vent systems.
Identifying Vent Components
The vent systems installed on this gas stove may
include one, two, or three 90°
elbow assemblies.
The relationships of vertical rise to horizontal run in
vent configurations using 90° elbows MUST BE
strictly adhered to. The rise to run relationships are
shown in the vent drawings and tables. Refer to the
diagrams on the next several pages.
Figure 4. Vent Components and Terminations
Vent System Termination Kits