Heat & Glo • Supreme-N-I30AU, Supreme-P-I30AU • 2222-900 Rev. C • 2/11
F. Vent Kits Components
Direct Vent Flex Liner Accessory Kits (see Figure 8.8).
LINK-DV-30B or (LINK-DV-30): Masonry 3 inch fl ex liner
kit. Expands to 30 feet. Includes: two liners, termination
cap, fl ashing, and link adapter.
Flash-Damp: Zero clearance damper fl ashing kit for use
with the LINK-DV-30B liner kit.
LINK-ZC-ADP: Zero clearance chimney adapter
DV-46DVA-GK: Adapter kit (colinear to coaxial 3 inches
included in above kits). It is permissible to use DV-46DVA-
GK to connect collinear fl ex vent to SL-D vent pipe to
extend the run.
FLEX3-30: One 3 inch fl exible liner expands to 30 feet.
FLEX-CNCT: Connector kit - 3 inch liner to 3 inch liner,
one connector per kit.
Figure 8.8 Direct Vent Flex Liner Accessory Kits
G. Alternate Venting Confi gurations Using
Adaptation to SLP Venting
This model is approved to use SLP Series fl ue pipe com-
ponents. A
vertical Termination Cap must be
used for vertical terminations. A SLP-TRAP2 can be used
for horizontal terminations.
Approved fl ue system components are labeled for identifi -
Detailed installation instructions are in-
cluded with each fl ue termination kit and should be used
in conjunction with this manual.
WARNING! Risk of Fire!
This gas appliance and fl ue
assembly must be fl ued directly to the outside and must
never be attached to a chimney serving a separate solid
fuel burning appliance. Each gas appliance must use a
separate fl ue system-common fl ue systems are prohibited.
WARNING! Risk of Fire!
DO NOT apply combustible
materials beyond the minimum clearances. Comply with
all minimum clearances to combustibles as specifi ed in
this manual. Overlapping material could ignite and will in-
terfere with proper operation of doors and louvers.
• Horizontal sections 3 inches (762 mm) from the top of
the pipe.
• Horizontal sections 2-1/2 inches (635 mm) at wall
shield fi restops.
• Horizontal sections 1 inches (254 mm) from sides and
bottom of the pipe.
• Vertical sections 1 inches (254 mm) on all sides of pipe.
Failure to keep insulation or other material away from vent
pipe may cause over heating and fi re.
For alternative installations, other than depicted, contact
your dealer for further information.