Heat & Glo • 6000TRXI-IPI • 386-901 Rev. I • 1/06
Step 12. Before Lighting the Fireplace
lighting the fireplace, be sure to do the following:
Remove all paperwork from underneath the fireplace.
Review safety warnings and cautions
• Read the
Safety and Warning Information
section at
the beginning of this
Installers Guide
Double-check for gas leaks
• Before lighting the fireplace, double-check the unit for
possible gas leaks.
Double-check vent terminations and front grilles for
• Before lighting the fireplace, double-check the unit for
possible obstructions that could be blocking the vent ter-
minations or the front grilles.
Double-check for faulty components
• Any component that is found to be faulty
placed with an approved component. Tampering with the
fireplace components is
and voids all war-
A small amount of air will be in the gas supply lines. When
first lighting the fireplace, it will take a few minutes for the
lines to purge themselves of this air. Once the purging is
complete, the fireplace will light and will operate normally.
Subsequent lightings of the fireplace will not require this
purging of air from the gas supply lines,
unless the gas
valve has been turned to the OFF position
, in which
case the air would have to be purged.
The fireplace should be run 3 to 4 hours on the initial
start-up. Turn it off and let it cool completely. Remove and
clean the glass. Replace the glass and run the fireplace for
an additional 8 hours. This will help to cure the products
used in the paint and logs.
Air Shutter Setting
This fireplace has an adjustable air shutter (which controls
the primary air) factory set for the minimum vertical vent run
(see Figure 42). If your installation has more than the
minimum required vertical vent length, adjustment of the air
shutter may be necessary to obtain optimal flame
This should be adjusted by a qualified
installer at the time of installation.
By pushing the air shutter handle in, you will be closing the
air shutter. To adjust loosen the wing nut. Care should be
taken when adjusting the air shutter so as not to cause the
fireplace to soot. If sooting occurs the air shutter will need
to be opened by pulling the handle out. When finished tighten
wing nut.
Figure 42.
During this break-in period it is recommended that some
windows in the house be opened for air circulation. This will
help avoid setting off smoke detectors, and help eliminate
any odors associated with the fireplace’s initial burning.
Cold Climate Switch
If cold air infiltration, condensation, or frost on the glass is
an issue due to cold climate, you may wish to operate the
fireplace in cold climate mode.
To change your Intellifire ignition to be used in the cold
climate mode remove the ON/OFF switch assembly from
the manual bag (see Figure 42).
1. Remove the control panel assembly by taking out two
screws with a 1/4” nut driver.
2. Insert the ON/OFF switch assembly into the control panel
under the (see Figure 42).
3. Remove the remote/wall switch lead assembly with the
brown wires attached from the original ON/OFF switch
and plug into the ON/OFF switch in the cold climate
4. Disconnect the green wire from the valve and connect to
the male terminal from your new ON/OFF switch assembly.
5. Connect the female wire from the new ON/OFF switch
assembly to the valve where you just removed the
previous green wire.
Cold Climate Use:
• To use as a cold climate switch, flip the switch to the
“ON” position first to ignite pilot.
• Next, flip the ON/OFF “ON” to ignite the burner.
• To use a wall switch or remote in the cold climate mode,
the wall switch must be connected to the remote/wall
switch leads coming from the ON/OFF switch assembly,
not to the leads.
Intellifire use when wired to use Cold Climate Switch:
• To change back to use in the Intellifire mode the wall
switch or remote must be connected to the remote/wall
switch leads from the switch.
• Flip the ON/OFF switch to the “ON” position; next flip
switch to the “ON” position.
• To use as Intellifire after wired for cold climate switch
you must have the ON/OFF switch in the “ON” position.