Electrically powered scooter Class A (EN 12184)
Heartway Medical Products. Co. Ltd. No 18
Jingke Central 1
Road Nantun Dist. Taichung City 408, Taiwan ROC.
The users need to consult the instructions of the device for information on how to use it properly
Electrically powered scooter Class C (EN 12184)
Moving of adult disabled persons by self driving.
Maximum user weight: 350 lbs; Classified in Class C (EN12184) ; Maximum safe slope: 10
The product is not intended for visually impaired people. The drivers need to mentally and physically suitable to drive the scooters. The fingers need to work
functionally. The device can’t be used by children until age of 12.
The driving distance will be reduced if the power scooter is used frequently on slopes, rough ground or to climb curbs.
The scooter is not for use as a seat in motor vehicle.
All adjustments can be adjusted by either occupant or assistant. This vehicle is
suitable for land and/or air transport.
Please refer to our official website for general product information at
This mobility (scooter) may come to a sudden stop at anytime during the operation
Don’t operate your power scooter without completely reading and understanding this user manual!
The overall length of this power scooter exceeds the limits specified Annex M of the technical specifications for interoperability relating to accessibility for
persons with reduced mobility
The stopping distance on slopes can be significantly greater than on level ground
Do not operate the scooter with depleted batteries, since the occupant could be stranded.
The end user is NOT allowed to change the parameter.
The occupant can switch off the key to stop the scooter for any emergency stop
Please remove the battery package from the scooter unit before long term storage
Version of User Manual: V2-RS2020