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QuickShifter easy

Supplementary Manual

Kawasaki W800 2011- (iQSE-1 + QSH-P2T)

w w w . h e a l t e c h - e l e c t r o n i c s . c o m


Take off the Red terminal from the coil.

Connect the QSH Green terminal to this 
coil terminal.

Connect the Red terminal to the QSH Red 
wire terminal.

Isolate the unused QSH Green terminal 
with tape.

Connect the QSH Black wire terminal to 
the battery negative terminal.

Mount the QSE sensor.

(Replace the bolt with the one supplied.
Place the conical washers at the two sides
of the sensor like this: (0). Tighten the bolt
in this position by about 6 Nm. If you do not
have torque wrench, tighten the bolt until
the shift arm is tight on the gearbox shaft.)
