How Can the Processor be Tested?
If you have already tried out the Processor, you have probably noticed that there
isn’t a huge difference in the sound when switching the Processor on and off. If you
would like a more obvious demonstration of the effect of the Processor, just unplug
one of the RCA inputs to the Supreme and listen for a few moments with the Proces-
sor off. Now switch the Processor on and hear the difference. [
pause for experimen-
tation] See, it really is doing something dramatic.
Because it makes headphone listening
much more natural. When listening to
speakers, you hear both the left
and the
right signals in
both ears. Not so with head-
phones. When you stick a pair of speak-
ers directly to your ears (i.e., head-
phones), you lose the spatial/acoustic
cues your mind needs to locate sounds in
Despite this lack of acoustic data, you mind
attempts to laterally locate sounds. The
result is a troubling blobs-in-the-head sonic
image. Your brain ends up frustrated and
The Audio Image Processor solves this problem. Analog filters are used to take an
attenuated signal from each channel, slightly delay it(about 300 microseconds,
depending on the
frequency), and feed it to the
opposite ear. This is the
acoustic information your
mind needs to create a
believable audio image in
you head. This added
information eases the burden
on your brain by spreading
out the clumped image in
your head. Ahh, sweet relief.
Why does your HeadRoom amp have a processor?